Are mushrooms bad??

I am growing in a raised bed, When i went out this morning to check on my peppers and i found that a ton of small gray mushrooms have popped up in the past 24 hours. we have had alot of rain the past 3 days, probably over an inch each day. i am pretty sure that is what is causing them, are these bad? are they going to harm my plants? are they possibly good? should i leave them alone or pull them all out? 

I'm having the exact same thing in my beds, even the mushrooms look the same, I'm also getting some algae growth on the surface of the soil.  How are your peppers holding up?  All this rain isn't helping mine much.
As for the mushrooms, leave them.  They'll help decompose the organics in your soil which is a good thing, most of them have a symbiotic relationship with your plants.
i haven't noticed any algae growth yet, but i wasn't really looking for it. guess ill have to check this evening. they seem ok, starting to show signs of over watering though, i wish it would stop raining everyday haha. Also thanks for the advice everyone i guess im gonna let the mushrooms grow and do their thing. hope it helps the plants.