Are my anaheim peppers rotting?

It has been really hot the past 3 days, and today I noticed these brown spots on 2 of my anaheim peppers. What's going on here?


theghostpepperstore said:
A sunburned spot will also look very thin, almost paper-thin sometimes, like the flesh has been burned away. I am still putting my money on BER.
Should I wait a couple of days to make sure that is in fact BER or should I just cut down these peppers before it gets worse?
If the spot is soggy and clearly rotten, then you have BER, I have one plant of my 50 that has BER on a few peppers. Give the plant a little calcium it can readily absorb and relax, the next round of peppers will be better.
Jeff H said:
If the spot is soggy and clearly rotten, then you have BER, I have one plant of my 50 that has BER on a few peppers. Give the plant a little calcium it can readily absorb and relax, the next round of peppers will be better.
Do you have any recommended products? should I just dissolve a tums tablet in water or maybe lime stone?
add some bonemeal to soil to help uptake of calcium bu the plant...  the thinner the bonemaeal is the easier will be absord... near powder is good
Affected peppers are a lost cause if it is BER. They will continue to rot until they fall off the plant. Better to redirect your plants energy at making new pods by removing them.
if you do end up believing it is BER, then Botanicare's calmag would be my preferred calcium supplement. in a direct comparison between it and General Hydroponics cal-mag, Botanicare uses calcium nitrate which would be instantly available to your plants. GH uses calcium carbonate and all reading material that i have perused says carbonate is not water soluble so, i believe it would need time to breakdown for plant to use.
that being said, i haven't found a calcium nitrate versus calcium carbonate study to give a comparison.
i do add ground eggshell into my soil mix with the intent that it will break down over time and wouldn't be an immediate fix for my plants. so, it is more of a "i hope it has value in the future" feeling.
good luck.