chinense Are my reapers not reapers? Or just wimpy reapers?

Here's the pods...

I made a batch of tomato juice. Homemade V8 more or less. First batch I used one scorpion pepper just to test the heat which ended up being nice and pleasant. This was a half gallon batch of juice. Wanting to kick it up a notch, made a second batch, same amount, used a Reaper which I would have thought would make it at least as hot but should be a little hotter. Nope. Almost no heat at all. I had to add a scorpion just to get the heat level to register.
So, just a weak pod? Are they even Reapers at all? 
Student of Spice said:
let me seeds or ebay?
No...actually got them from a member here. So they could be a crossed seed, they could have been cross pollinated by me, or the more likely scenario is they are mislabeled. Not sure if by me or the person I got the seeds from. I do know that I did not purposely plant any red habs. The only habs I planted are chocolate and black. So far some of the chocolates are coloring up and they are going to be chocolate. However, one of the plants I have labeled chocolate are coloring up red. So it's a mess in my pepper
I do however have reapers that look different. Well, the plants are labeled reapers. So who knows. Maybe I'll have some after all...time will tell. I'll crack one open and give it a try and see if it's mild or kills me. I'll know for sure then. 
nubster said:
No...actually got them from a member here. So they could be a crossed seed, they could have been cross pollinated by me, or the more likely scenario is they are mislabeled. Not sure if by me or the person I got the seeds from. I do know that I did not purposely plant any red habs. The only habs I planted are chocolate and black. So far some of the chocolates are coloring up and they are going to be chocolate. However, one of the plants I have labeled chocolate are coloring up red. So it's a mess in my pepper
I do however have reapers that look different. Well, the plants are labeled reapers. So who knows. Maybe I'll have some after all...time will tell. I'll crack one open and give it a try and see if it's mild or kills me. I'll know for sure then. 
They look like habs but the skin doesn't look smooth, kind of rough which made me think cross. I bet they have a good flavour however.
Yeah, they are slightly's a little better shot of them...

And here's a shot of two I plucked off a chocolate (or not so chocolate) hab plant. Again...I did not purposely plant any habs other than black/chocolate. I'm new to this so maybe the seeds/mother plant wasn't stable?

And here's a green pepper from one of my other reaper plants....

Just tried one. Hot for sure but not what I'd imagine Reaper hot would be. Definitely habanero hot. All the burn is on the lips and tip of the tongue...which I
reapers have got to be one of easiest peppers to identify.....if you have to post a probably isn't a reaper :drooling:  :drooling:  :drooling:
FROG DOG said:
reapers have got to be one of easiest peppers to identify.....if you have to post a probably isn't a reaper :drooling:  :drooling:  :drooling:
I disagree... If you said the ' Original shaped Carolina Reaper's ' are easy to identify I would agree... But I'd say that at least 50% of growers have stock that is a true strain of reapers but it has over the last few generations lost a lot of that wasp look... And taken on less definitive shape..
FROG DOG said:
reapers have got to be one of easiest peppers to identify.....if you have to post a probably isn't a reaper :drooling:  :drooling:  :drooling:
First of all I'm new to all this so what do I know. Second...I was very careful keeping everything separate and labeled, not to say I didn't goof somewhere along the line. Third, I didn't plant any red/orange habs knowingly so that's where my confusion comes in. And now I'm starting to see orange pods on the same plant that produced the red ones above. Out of 5 reaper plants, looks like two are producing pods like the red ones. The other three are giving pods like the green one above and this one...

So that gives me some hope that I do have some reapers...just won't be as many as I anticipated. No biggie because I doubt I can use up all the reapers I'll end up with (assuming the green ones are actually reapers) much less if all the plants were producing reapers. I'll be giving some away as it is. 
And another "Reaper" that I'm not sure about now. Guess it doesn't matter too's going to be extremely hot, I'm sure. I just won't offer the seeds as Reaper seeds when the time comes. 
nubster said:
And another "Reaper" that I'm not sure about now. Guess it doesn't matter too's going to be extremely hot, I'm sure. I just won't offer the seeds as Reaper seeds when the time comes. 
These look nice... Wether their real reapers with a physical difference ( I believe this to be the case )  or a cross... they look awesome.... That folded tail with a nice porish globe .. Looks nice!
nubster said:
First of all I'm new to all this so what do I know. Second...I was very careful keeping everything separate and labeled, not to say I didn't goof somewhere along the line. Third, I didn't plant any red/orange habs knowingly so that's where my confusion comes in. And now I'm starting to see orange pods on the same plant that produced the red ones above. Out of 5 reaper plants, looks like two are producing pods like the red ones. The other three are giving pods like the green one above and this one...

So that gives me some hope that I do have some reapers...just won't be as many as I anticipated. No biggie because I doubt I can use up all the reapers I'll end up with (assuming the green ones are actually reapers) much less if all the plants were producing reapers. I'll be giving some away as it is. 
These look very much like your Original " Carolina Reapers " I would say they look close to perfect.