Are there any Ornamental Peppers un-edible?

My neighbor was at the store the other day and bought this ornamental pepper plant with all kinds of peppers on it. Though it had a small little sign that said DO NOT EAT. So are there ornamental peppers that are poisonous or something? I thought you could eat any of them....
All peppers are edible, my guess is it was treated with some sort of pesticide. Butterfly people complain all the time about buying herbs like parsley or dill for the caterpillars from big box stores or grocery stores, only to have the caterpillars die after eating them.
Some ornamentals like the pumpkin pepper are unedible. They really aren't peppers but some other sort of solanum.
Some ornamentals like the pumpkin pepper are unedible. They really aren't peppers but some other sort of solanum.

Are they really? I was trying to find out some info on them a while back, and while I could find references to them, I couldn't find any solid facts about 'em.

Have you grown them? What I was told was that they were inedible because they were so fibrous and flavorless, not because they're dangerous.
*reads thread, follows link, looks at pictures*

Huh, and Reimers is trying to claim this is a Capsicum annuum ? I agree that it doesn't even look like a Capsicum.
there is an inedible ornamental potted plant called 'Jerusalem Cherry' but it is not a pepper even though it is a solanum, it is actually a Solanum pseudocapsicum - do not eat these because they are poisonous! sorry I don't have a pic.

I once ate an ornamental chile from a pot on a friend's mother's kitchen table, so did she - BIG MISTAKE, they were pungent little devil's, I thought my mouth and face were on fire (so did she). it was hilarious, rather, it's hilarious NOW, then we thought we were dying.

Pam - 1200 posts - you need a life!
Ok, so we're back to is if is actually a Capsicum, it's edible; but make sure it's a Capsicum.
chilliman64 said:
Pam - 1200 posts - you need a life!

Ha! Eat your heart out, you fumble-fingered cacographer!

I keep telling you people I'm verbose, do I need to add that I'm palaverous?