shopping Are there any respectable places to get Carolina Reaper seeds or plants from Northern Illinois?

I know I can order seeds from Puckerbutt, apparently the only online place well known to sell actual reapers after Pepper Joe's got sold off, and that a lot of places claim to have Carolina Reapers and other superhots but they are actually something else, but is anyone aware of any places in Illinois that sell the seeds or even young plants of Reapers and other superhots?
i have 2 Carolina reapers, i can ship from Norway if needed i have no clue what shipping would cost but probably not that much if it weights little as few seeds will do, so i could send some seeds away once the reaper pepper turn red probably shouldn't take so long before it does as its been green for a while now, i tried to eat a piece of a green reaper and it defiantly kicked hard for a while


Kind of a late reply here. It might be sacrilege to buy from big box (apparently burpee and Ed teamed up, cause they have his name in them). , but I know rural king and lowes had reaper plants this year (at least here in north Alabama ).
Kind of a late reply here. It might be sacrilege to buy from big box (apparently burpee and Ed teamed up, cause they have his name in them). , but I know rural king and lowes had reaper plants this year (at least here in north Alabama ).

"Sacrilege" is a little strong, lol. It's just experience, really. Mine has been that any seeds obtained from mild sources are labeled.. poorly. Who complains? Maybe some folks. Who listens? Probably fewer. I'm not going to boycott Lowe's because I know better (care more) than they do what a Carolina Reaper is, and I doubt anybody else will either. We'll just buy our seeds elsewhere. And we have been.

I am not necessarily opposed to sacrilege, btw. ;)
Well…..I bought a reaper plant at rural king….(😔 disappointed face because I NEVER buy plants. I grow from seed). Only because my 12 year old son has been upping his heat game , and has been disappointed with everything “reaper” he has tasted. 🤯. Wanted to make sure he had what he wanted this season. Makes me happy! Another chili head generation! WOOT!
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Only because my 12 year old son has been upping his heat game , and has been disappointed with everything “reaper” he has tasted. 🤯.

Ye mean.. like "Reaper"-flavored corn chips and such? Or superhot chili peppers?
Aye. He had some reaper hot sauce at beach (I wasn’t there because of work) and I guess Cheetos has a sweet Carolina reaper thing now. Said the sauce didn’t have a lotta heat. And the Chetoos were more sweet than heat (🤣). He’s been preparing for the real deal by using my ghost pepper blend (from peppers I grew), and unfortunately got some in his eyes couple days ago, took it like a champ! Proud father. 😅
Well, okay, but be careful. A store-bought hot sauce and a straight fresh superhot are two different worlds. I never ate one as a 12yo, but I know I wouldn't give one to my 13yo. Anyway, definitely let us know how it goes!