pests Are these Aphidius mummies?

Havent looked under these leaves for a few days, just noticed a bunch of aphids, but also quite a lot of aphids that are yellow or even looks like they've hatched Aphidius.
Just wanted to confirm whether these indeed look like they've been dealt to by the wasps, so I can leave them be and they'll kill off the rest of the ahipds?
If anyone recognizes these please let me know.


Looks like I shouldve looked a bit further, ended up finding them actually sitting on leaves, plus saw a bunch of ladybirds as well. I think they're pretty capable of sorting out these aphids. Its only a copule of plants that are affected anyway so I doubt it'll spread much further, but ill keep an eye on it.




never underestimate the spreading power of those pest  IMO
i personally cut the infected area , burn the thing , watch and control ants around my plants and stay vigilant after that to be sure that everything stay that way... :dance: :dance: :dance:
good luck and happy growing.... :party:
Just spray them off with medicated soap, that won't hurt the lady bugs. I also lightly rub with my fingers when I spray them, do it a few days in a row and you are good. Also, be careful fertilizing when the weather is cool, aphids love those new little leaves coming out to quickly.