pests Are these aphids?

boil up some cut open habenero's
let cool, strain, pour liquid into sprayer, and spray the entire plant, aphids and all, and that should cure your problem.
add a little dishsoap to improve the wetting, but the hab's don't need the added garlic, it's just a waste of good garlic IMO.

So, I'm looking at this little spray bottle and wondering how to apply this (effectively)?

Of course, I'll read the instructons. I fear it'll say spray under each leaf.

I opted to kill 2 birds with one stone... well, 2 aphids.

I'd been researching and quite a few folks mentioned to "just shoot them off with a burst of water". Since this didn't appear to be a major infestation and luckily it's only one plant (out of 4), I filled the squirt bottle up with Epsom Salt infused distilled water and foliar fed / jet sprayed them off.

Yes, I did stock up on Neem Oil and some other bottle of organic insecticide (looked pretty in the Home Depot aisle). I also boiled up a pot of garlic and Carolina Reaper infused water with some Dawn ready to go. Figured I would try the least aggressive path first and I'd been meaning to shoot em up with Epsom Salts anyway. I'll keep my eye on it, update this thread and escalate as needed.

P.S. I have one Popeye forearm right now :)
Get some ladybugs. Either a local nursery will sell them, or surprisingly you can actually order them off Amazon. You won't even need Neem Oil or any of these other remedies if you have enough ladybugs staying around.
Safer soap applied in the evenings every couple days til they go away. Kills on contact so you have to actually hit the critters with it. 
I got this sprayer for $20 on amazon & it's awesome. Has an adjustable nozzle you can angle so you can easily spray the bottom sides of leaves while standing up. I was getting tired of leaning my plants over & spraying the bottom sides with a regular ol spray bottle. 
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smileyguy697 said:
I just figure that if i bought lady bugs they would all fly away.
Most of them will eventually fly away, but they will take up residence in your general area and if your neighbors have fewer aphids, so will you. You can spray a sugar solution on the bugs before you deploy them to keep them in your yard for a little longer. The sugar dries and gives their shells a candy coating that prevents them from opening up their wings. Eventually it wears off or gets washed away and the bug goes on about it's life as normal. Sometimes commercially sold ladybugs have something similar already applied.
I just found some sort of very tiny bugs underneath one of my plants....
They are so tiny that I cant even  get a good look at them..
Are your aphids fast? the bugs I found are very quick...?
Nope, not fast at all. Quite the opposite. Mobile but barely.

Thought about the ladybug solution but like SmileyGuy mentioned; I just didn't see how I could convince them to stick around.

I'm tempted to try them though. Maybe as I see them showing up again, I'll get some. Still, I'm not sure I had the population to make it enticing enough. In some respects, I'm lucky to have caught them in time being obsessive enough to look at my plants frequently but amateurish enough to only look how shiny the top leaves are. :) The snuck up on me
smileyguy697 said:
Neem oil works great!
Yes it does.  This is the first year I had aphids.  I was trying to rinse them off but to no avail.  I went to home depot and bought a bottle of Neem oil.  I sprayed down my plants that had them.  Most of them died very fast.  The scragglers died over the next week.  I was going to spray again but they are all gone.  Keep looking don't see any more of them.
I bought over a thousand ladybugs 15 years ago during a terrible aphid outbreak. By evening the next day there was not one ladybug to be found in my entire garden area. But, there were still millions of aphids. Two years ago, a friend-of-a-friend got his fall garden covered with aphids. I told him what happened when I tried ladybugs. He paid out the wazoo for some. His didn't hang around either.

I now use DDT, strychnine, cyanide and arsenic. This makes the ladybugs hang around longer but they don't move around very much JUST KIDDING!!!
For me I get a BAD Panda pic of some oriental chick holding a leash on a plastic Panda.
Looks nothing like Aphids.
Not Kidding.

Says the site is down for whatever...gotta wait for 10pm...