chinense Are these Bhut Jolokias or Dorset Nagas?

I saw these "bhut jolokia" at my local grocer; they were advertised as such but looked exactly the same as dorset nagas. I think there are some 'fakes' going around, but they were $5 for a box and like others have said, that's a pretty good deal!
$64lb unit price. Wow! Premium peppers sure fetch a premium price. Those are some beauties though.

yup...but who will use a whole pound of them at one time?....if you want that many at a time, there are others that sell fresh pods for $30-40/lb...but those fresh pods are only available for a short period....these are probably grown in greenhouses and it is probably a huge operation to be able to sell to a big chain like Central Market....I sold fresh TS to Central Market for $20/lb and there were no questions asked...if they want to make any money, they still have to mark it up to at least twice what they paid...buying from another country is where the costs goes shipping on fresh produce is very expensive....