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Are these looking ok or not?

Hi all,
I think i have been guilty of overwatering, and so i haven't watered these for 2 days now.
Some of the leaves are looking slightly on the yellow side, and some have curled a bit.
I have them in the window during the daytime, and overnight i put them under 2 x 6500k flouro's.
Can someone cast their eye over the pics below and let me know if there's anything i should be doing / not doing.
Thanks in advance,

i would say transplant them into bigger pots then sray them with epsom salt .. the look healthy plants ...

Many thanks for that!
I wasn't really sure when to move to bigger pots, as it seems like everyone has their own idea...like, some say wait for 2 sets of leaves etc But it can't hurt to do it now i guess?
Is there any particular measurement with the salt? (like 1tsp to 1 litre or anything)? I don't want to do more damage :)
Well im not going to argue with Judy Neil, not only as i buy my seeds from here but she knows far more than both of us.

I thought (from speaking to my jiffy seller) the idea was to just let the grow in these things & eventually the roots grow right through the baggie in to the potting mix? no transplant shock is what he said to me.

The plants look healthy to me.

They are starting to look a bit leggy to me...flourescent lighting is probably the cause. Can you move the light source closer? Agree that it is time to pot up.

I use 2 tablespoons of epsom salts to a gallon of water and spray using a squirt bottle. Maybe cut this down a touch as they are still seedlings? I'm not an expert but have started about 240 plants from seed in the last two years. I usually don't start the epsom salt sprays until my seedlings are 4" tall/wide or so and outside....

Thanks for the advice guys, much appreciated!
OK, i potted up the 6 larger ones today, into 12oz plastic cups (i'll be going with the 2 cups / bottom watering method) I will do the others when they get to around the same height.

At the moment, Barry, i have the plants about 2" from the lights. I was loath to move them closer as i've heard this can cause burn or something? Or maybe i should give up the lights for a bit and just put them in the window with natural daylight (but alas not that much sun) for the time being?
The reason i thought the light method would be beneficial is that it's getting pretty cold here at night (14c / 57f), and only around 20c (68f) during the daytime, and our windows are pretty thin and draughty, whereas where i have the lights is on an inside wall, and a lot warmer.
Dilema! Any suggestions welcomed!
They look good to me. They will do well in larger containers. It will be much easier to manage water and the potting mix should have plenty of nutrients for them.

Edit: They will do well under 2 6500ks, so I wouldn't worry too much.