overwintering Are you overwinters ugly as sin?

Mine never fully bushed up, they look like scarecrow trees with flowers and pods hanging off. They are producing and seem to be healthy otherwise though. Is this common?
No. You've got something going on that you haven't identified yet. Have any pics you can post? My overwinters last year were as lush and green as my first-years. This year though, they had a bad bout with aphids, followed by overwatering from excessive rain, so they're pretty sparse at this point, too. However, they're recovering, as leaves are popping out everywhere. Pics and a description of your grow conditions will help ID what's going on with yours.
My bhut looks like what you described except it is half decent with leaves and is fruiting like crazy. My two scotch bonnets that survived decided to be bushy as hell instead of lank out. They too are filled with small peppers. Though neither of them are more than 8-10 inches high. Is that normal? I mean I ain't complaining about the amount of peppers they'll spit out just seems like they could have been taller maybe?
They sure did have a tough over winter season I lost two or three others. One by overwatering just weeks before I was to put them outside. They also looked terrible with crappy misshaped growth until they got a month of solid sun. 
geeme said:
Emeoba69 - again, pics will help us help you!
 Sorry yeah Im not sure if the OP meant that his stuff was already in for the winter or not outside yet? Either way mine have been out for 2 months all very healthy with mondo pods. Just a bit bushier than I expected.
 Here they are because I can't resist.... The top two are my bonnets. Top one in the black container was in Pro-Mix green organic mix I found the other year. The second in the red container I think was just some Miracle grow my mom had left over, the plant had originally been in the ground last year for a while before I moved it into the container. It is the bushiest of the three. The bhut is the third and is in the peat moss/pine fine/perlite mix suggested in the soil thread. It spent the winter in my moms art studio that gets a lot of light and stays hot year round. She did not trim it much at all but it looked very scraggly. They seem to be doing fine though... 
All of them have been fed Neptune's harvest fish emulsion and tomato tone in alternating weeks.


Look better than mine, but mine were hydro and not "true" overwinters.
Wind took a toll on the leaves, but one is crazy with pods, 1 is struggling, 2 are leafy but podless.
Yea mine dont look anything like these. I wish I could remember to upload pics at home instead of checking this at work, My ghost chili is squat and bushy but producing a few peppers already but they dont look like any of these. Comparing these against what I have, I think maybe I put them back outside too soon.