ARGGG I hope they are OK!

Well it was a beautiful day outside, so I thought I'd put some of the plants I have potted outside to get some good sun n air. I have been hardening them all day long (everyday) with a ceiling fan. Watered them good b4 I left. Came home and some of the leaves are super wilted like they are thirsty, but the ground is still damp. The one time I wish I had my digital camera at home... Gave them a little water since bringing them in. Any thoughts, or are pictures needed? or is it I'm too worried?
hardening them doesnt mean just with a fan. yes a fan helps make them strong plants to withstand the winds outside, but does nothing for the plant when its up against temps.
on warmer days I've been opening the sliding glass door to allow the indoor/outdoor temps mix so the plants get used to outside temps, for several hours at a time it doesnt hurt them since they're not experiencing the outside temps fully right away.
& I put a fan on light breeze every now & then, but if by chance its to weak against winds a stake will help the plant out in that area, but when it comes to temps theres nothing you can do except to slowly introduce the plant to outside temps, not just throw it outside.
it's amazing what can happen in an 1 1/2+ hour.... all but one plant has sprung back too what they looked like. The one still has lively leaves so I think I'm good!
Yeah, same thing happened to me. I transplanted the seedlings from the closet to the porch in bigger pots and they leaves all felt like wet tissue paper when i came back to check on them and they were all limp. I brought them in out of the sun and they perked right back up. They're just about hardened now, probably spend the whole weekend outside.
It's amazing what chillies will survive! I managed to bake about 400 seedlings the first time I put them in the tunnel house - with the door shut and outside temperatures reached 30C. Not only were they drooping to the ground, but the top leaf nodes had died. I planted 100 anyway, even some I thought were completely fried, and they put out new shoots. The worst now has a crop of 20+ chillies on.
Plants grown under indoors need to be hardened off to sunlight as well. I always put mine in a cold frame where they get filtered sunlight for a couple of days before letting them get direct sun. If it's a weekend and I'm home, I'll let them have some direct morning sun, but by 10 or 11 they're back in the cold frame.
all the potted plants I have are facing windows with lots of sun. I'm gonna have aboot 6 or 7 potted plants up at my store, the window gets full south sun!

report after 12+ hours. Still same plant hasn't fully bounced back