Arizona checks in

Hello, I planted a store bought jalapeno seed a few weeks ago and it is doing great. I was googling around for info about my new plant when I found this site. This is a great forum.

I can't explain why I decided to grow this plant, it just looked like a fun project and I wanted a nice indoor plant to play with. I had no idea how vast the world of peppers was until I landed here. My plant is still just a baby and I already want to get more varieties to grow. My jalapeno seems rather boring now, but I know it will be good training for my foray into the wider world of peppers.

I'd like to post a picture of my little sprig, but I'll wait for a suggestion from somebody as to where I should post my first photo. Thanks again for such an active, fun, and informative forum.
:welcome: from sunny South Florida! :woohoo:
Welcome from............Chicago

Find some recipes for your Jalapeno's. The plant should produce well in your climate.
Welcome sir to the group! You will enjoy the people and knowledge available here. If you need anything give a yell
Whatever you do, don't taste that jalapeño ! You'll be looking for TSMB plants next! Haha
Welcome aboard