
I am also amazed at how fastidious you are at weed control. Major props to you.
I do, however, wonder how you happen to have such spectacular growth in Pttsburgh in the middle of February? If these plants are in a greenhouse you must be spending a fortune heating it.
Edit: After re-reading the thread, I'm betting those pictures are from last season, correct? I hope I made this edit before I look to much like an idiot.
These things seem okay. Might as well grow them out if I get open spots. I'm fine with unstable ones. Just not when they're being mass sold without a footnote or something just so that people know that they might not grow out like the ones in the pictures. These ones aren't being sold in bulk. I thought they where, as I believe I said earlier, and I apologized for it. 
What sort of soil are these things growing in? My garden really needs to be given better nutrients.
Pr0digal_son said:
OCD is a terrible thing...terrible thing...terrible thing.

There are some sprigs of grass around the base of the plant next to good. Also some tattered leaves,we will have to improve on that this season. :lol:
Nah OCD isn't such a terrible thing if you think about it. How else can one expect to get exacting results from inexact things like nature :P 
Back on subject those look like wonderful plants. Keep up the hard work and get those things stabilized. 
Here's two I received from prodigalson last fall, pulled seeds from these and I am growing them this year. Awesome pods  :cheers: