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ARRRGGHHH plant ripped apart!

Just before I left for work today I went to check on my garden only to find the strong wind has ripped the guts out of my only flowering Trinidad Scorpion, it only started flowering this week and it has now been broken right through the middle of the plant at the base of the stem. there are two branches that are still OK, but the centre is torn right through the middle of the main part of the stem
Is there any hope it will recover or should I just give up on it ?
I can post a photo when I get home if people won't find it too disturbing :) it's certainly ruined my day
it might be ok, just try and wrap a cage around it to pull it together and it might just fix it self....as long as it hasn't started to wilt and maybe keep it in the shade today....its going to be or already is around 33c today
Same thing happened to my T.S. plant except it only half of mine got ruined. It is coming back strong though and actually has pods with STINGERS! :woohoo:

Best of luck returning it to healthy mode mate.
Thanks guys. With any luck it will recover.
I hope so it was the biggest and the best of the 5 or so I have growing,
patrick said:
Masking tape.

Electrical Tape ...

Keeps the moisture in, I had the same thing happen to one of my plants here, split right down between the two main stems, taped it back up and it survived for another 6 months before dropping dead.
Unfortunately the stem is totally broken through, one branch of the plant is still alive, but I think I'll have to amputate.

and just in case anyone found that to shocking here's a nice health Aji Lemon :)
Good luck buddy, my plant isn't doing so well either.

I feel for my plants as if they were my children lol.

Matt50680 said:
Possibly make cuttings out of the plant? Stick them in the dirt and see if they will root? Could save the plant...

That's an interesting idea. Some rooting hormones should do the trick. This seems to be to be more of a last resort however, if no other method would heal the plant. And I'm pretty sure the flowers will fall off if the plant is cloned.
Its still possible the plant may survive, but I doubt it will be fruitful this year. Too much stress I think. May be best to salvage for next season to get a jump start. You could try to root a cutting, and you could also dig it up, trim the roots and replant in a pot to overwinter for next year with the sole branch still on. There is a good possibility it will regrow and be even stronger for next year, or even under lights inside.

Good luck man, I hope you have a better day tomorrow.
It still has a few outside branches that are looking OK, provide no disease or fungus gets in it might make it. If it doesn't I still have four more Trinidads, that was just the best of them by a long way