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Ex-sot right here, thank you! But feel free to join the other 90% of our lovely country's population!

Why do Aussies get singled out as being pissheads?
Swedish backpacker shielas! And for some reason, some dude named Sven... Sven is a masseuse...


Is Sven a real Swedish name?
Wikipedia: "Sheila is also a colloquial term for a girl or woman in Australia"

Damn, I'm five minutes late for work... Is an hour too short for a lunch break?
For work lunch? At 2:30 am there's not much open so I just zip home and whip something up here.

Hmmm, it's overcast outside and dark in here. Should I turn a light on or continue to take 5 mins to write a sentence 'cause I can't see the damn keyboard?
Continue to write, work can wait.

Should i reduce the chilli and vinegar i just blended and make a paste or should i just drink it?
Drink it! Drink it! Drink it!

Speaking of blending chilli and vinegar, I'm cooking my first sauce soon... Do I just chuck all my shit into the blender and then whack it on the stove till it gets all nice and saucy?
I usually use an immersion blender but yeah blend it up and reduce!
How the hell should i know what he is adding to it?

Not sure yet... tomatoes, onion, garlic and crap. Oh yeah, and peppers of course!

What's a good vinegar to use? Apple cider, white wine, red wine?