pileiton said:Depends on if I am drinking or having it with a meal.
Have you been in a hot air balloon?
paulky_2000 said:every morning when I look in the mirror.
How often do you shave?
Armadillo said:I only trim to 4 mm. Beard and hair.
Bath or shower?
pileiton said:Not that often, I'm not the bearded lady!
Are you a disco dancer?
pileiton said:Hose off in the backyard!
Innie or outie?
Armadillo said:Outpatient not inmate!
Manic or depressive?
paulky_2000 said:Red head!!!
Which are you?
paulky_2000 said:Athletic.
How about you?
pileiton said:Sometimes the truth is less interesting. People lie for all sorts of reasons.This is getting too serious.
What is you favorite season and why?