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go the vodka... and some kahlua and make some russians :) but then you could go rum and make some pina colada's..

depends... what do you like better?
My plan for the day is to post to all 6's, and go sit in the sun with my beer cooler, iPod audio book, sunglasses, tanning oil, and a couple cigars. ;)

How does that sound?
I've listened to them all....now, I'm going back around again. By the way, I loved the LOTR books and movies!

Have you seen the extended versions?
yes.. i have the dvd's here waiting to be watched again... would you believe that when i was a skinny minny i dressed up in an elf outfit (aka arwen) for a work christmas party?

(I was hot!!)
not on this 'puter.. but a guy at work has one.. i'll get a hold of it and will maybe post it in the future :D

i think tomorrow i'll have to have a lotr marathon!! what do you reckon!
yeah.. it'll go for a while.. but its public holiday so why not??

EDIT: on the big tv its gonna be awesome!! havent watched it on the new telly yet :D
i looove popcorn when i'm watching movies :) that or chilli chips.. but commercial chilli chips just dont cut it anymore.. what do you thinK?
I agree. I like to take plain kettle cooked chips and shake them in a bag with salt, garlic powder, and dried fatalii powder. YUMMY!!!

Are you off 3 days in a row?
thats exactly what you need to do for kettle chips!! we had some last night and i was complaining they had no flavour :) mrmel was sweating his a$$ off though!! 4 days in a row baby!!!! good friday... weekend.... easter monday... yeeehaaa!! plenty of time for throwdown and bbq and drinking!!!

you in the throwdown?
Nah...gonna sit this one out. I was going to make Retta's manicotti, but I doubt it'd be a contender. Besides...I'm kinda tired putting forth all the effort and only getting one vote. I'd much prefer to enjoy that time with my girlfriend and my boys making our own pizzas. Everyone gets to make their own creation! :D

Do you ever have that type of dinner?