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That depends if you mean w/o the pizza or w/o the beer.

Try a search in Bowling Green for Reece's Bean Pot.

Out of idle curiousity, I checked the distance from Bowling Green to Chicago. Less than 350 miles. So you are in less than 500 miles from said cuisine. If you visit this way, give me a warning, okay?;)
No, it is an adventure! Cubs game or come in Feb. for the auto show, learn to brew at Siebel and a trip to the Admiral Theater.

Oops, better skip the last one with Retta and the boys!

Too soon to eat again but while I still have the energy I'm making chicken with peanut sauce. Ever had that?
Chicken with peanut sauce? Yuck (for peanut sauce only).
Have you ever eaten peanuts boiled in only salt?
(peanuts with shell is boiled in salt water and then shelled and eaten)
Nah....cooling myself in Bangalore and it is likely I might have to extend my stay here for missus's heel spur operation.
Ever heard of heel spur syndrome?
That wouldn't embarass me!

Why was the board so inactive while I slept? I was offline over 5 hours and counting on lots of info and fun for my return.
My cousin's wife expired last night of cancer.
Got a call in the morning . So went to crematorium and just came back.
Silence , sometimes is good isn't it?
Sorry to hear your news NJA... silence is a good thing at times..

do you play your music super loud or at a reasonable level?
Thanks for the support.

I play my music and hear it on my headphones only.
(My wife hates music,TV and anything in general that I like)

How have we spent 38 years together?