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It comes from experience, my friend.

Can you name ONE thing marrige brings that you can't get from simply living with someone with the opportunity to kick their crazy asses out if they begin to act psychotic or wipe-out your savings buying a bunch of crap you don't need?

I support you fully.

Be happy in the state you are in.

Why people live with the same faced person(it is a mutual feeling which TPBM may share) for life?
Going back a few posts. I feel that if you plan to have children you should live together. And do not let your dhildren pull any crap like " Mommy said I could". United front.

Children learn from actions more than words. They need quantity time with their parents as well as quality.

I'm too tired to finish. But I have given it some thought?
Kinda. Having kids with a nutter is a tragic mistake and only leads to more trouble. I had three with the first lunatic......I did not make the same mistake with looney #2. It pains me that I still have to have contact with her. One day.....soon, I hope, I will not.....and I'll be much happier for it. ;)

Why are you tired when you haven't done anything?
I made a shopping list, made a pot of coffee, did dishes and am online doing research. I did something. And my condition wears me out just going to make a phone call.

Don't you now feel better about your life?