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well that's all hypothetical because you said "if they could chuck wood" which means he is currently unable to do so!!!!!!!!!!!

Why is nova so Stupid????? :P
Because of all the time i have been exposed to you, that shit rubs off!!

Why do i love ripping MoyTard off sooooooo much?
On what? If you are talking about on a bush pig than that would be you :)

Will MoyBoys douglahs sprout for him?
Oh god...he really hopes so.....Will know in a few weeks!!!!

Will we aussies have a good growing season this years??
Yes....Well I think so.....Not really into that sort of stuff but one night in a flat i used to live in I woke up cause I thought someone was talking to me, Then It felt like someone was getting into bed next to me (queen size bed). I lived alone so I promptly sh*t a brick and hit the light switch next to the bed and when the light came nothing was there but there was the shape of a person under the sheets and after about 2 - 3 seconds of the light being on, the sheets fell back to the bed......

Lets just say that I didn't sleep really well in that flat after that.....Was told a woman died in the flat next door in the 70's???

Have you ever asked the neighbours if you can sleep in there house at 2am in the morning after having the above happen???? I have...:lol:
oh my god......Turkish Delight is my favorite sweet in the world....

If you are making or have made a turkish delight liquor, I demand a sample........mmmmmmmmmm. :)

Will Nova give me some of the above?
If you ask nicely or maybe give him moderator status :lol:

If a gay man jumped on your back, would you leave him on there or pull him off?
Sex, food is too good and I haven't figured out how to live off sunlight....yet...

Did you know there are people that live off of just sunlight?
Curried goat is AWESOME. I eat it all the time here. Most of the time they don't real goat meat, but i know of 2 places here that do. And, i've had it on the island a few times as well.

Do you like Jamaican food?