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I guess you would say white. Or something like white, but not white.

I like warm rain, so you can go outside and play in it. Had any of that in your area lately?
Nope, mostly cold. I think the highest we've had this month was like 48 or right around there. If it is warm rain I do like to play in it.

If you could have any animal in the world what would it be?
The Marvelous Spatuletail, great looking humming bird that only occurs in a tiny part of northern Peru and is also endangered.

The most beautiful city/town you have visited(not lived)?
If you really put some thought to it, you'll realize a million isn't all that much, so no. It's not worth the likely headache those activities would bring.

Does that surprise you?
Right now the plan is to hang out at home, with much sleeping involved. Need to catch up before the new semester starts.

Does that surprise you?

Did you really just tell Pi she should wear her black dress if she fits in it still, and if so, have you written your will???