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I could care less about labels - they need to fit well and flatter. Only, in practice that usually means I end up with the same few brands, since each manufacturer tends to have similar cuts. Any that have that big leather (or whatever) label sewn on the back outside usually find me cutting that label off - I am not someone's walking advertisement.

Do you keep labels like that on your pants?
Depends if there is an older sibling in school. If not, any time is good, as long as there is no need to wake up by a certain time. If there is an older sibling they must all be on the same schedule.

Did that help?
sorta.... shes the oldest..... bedtime with the two of them is getting harder.... everything is really........... cant believe i am having another.
God bless you and Randi for having 5..... I would be in a crazy house.

you are now laughing at me?
Not at all. Find a schedule that works for everyone. If a super early bedtime means they wake up too early for you, then push it back or change your sleep schedule. Within reason of course. I wouldn't keep them up til 3am or that will be a disaster once school starts. No one can tell you what works best. It's your family, and you will find a happy medium that fits.

Who has a dead Christmas tree in their yard?