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Ya, A great day.

Have you ever tried disposable dishes that have been used in India for about 3000 years or more?
They are made of stitched leaves and also made from Plantain leaves..
Would you like to try them?
I need very stable plates to carry. It can be difficult to carry things and steer my wheelchair.

Are these plates sturdy and leak proof?
Well as NJA said they are already made. And when there are 15+ dishes, pots ... no washing is hard.

Wouldn't it be nice to afford help?
I wish I could afford a home helper (maid.......hhhmmmmmm especially one that will wear a "French Maid" outfit!!!!)

is that chauvinistic??
What will you do with a maid? Major Domo is more apt .

Who said married men do not need young maids?
Old maids can't do hard work. Why did you think something fishy was in my mind?