ohh and hey grant
turn 44 win
tell danielle its game on
wheebz said:
favorite base malt is Crisp Marris Otter, Rahr Pilsner, or Weyermann Floor Malted Bohemian Pilsner,  which i dont know if you guys can get that last one
favorite TV Show is Stargate SG1, or The Next Generation
I used that in my saison, it's available from Northern Brewer or Midwest, I just can't recall any longer which it was ...
I think I've got some now that came from Cali (HopTek), too, as a matter of fact ...
Pssst - we're on ... Juicy Lucy's, too ...
I'm coming over here to hang out and get shit-faced drunk!

Bhut Subduction at Pitch Lake ...

Sure, it's sweet, but it's also kind of delicious these days ...


Look at all that sexinext ...

Soon you might have some ...
wheebz said:
got an email this morning that they are hiring for a new head brewer
I'm not aware of having a single beer brewed at BeerHub that I've liked ...
Not to say the brewer's aren't any good, but the beers the breweries put there aren't their good beers - including this one.
This fucking beer's too ... uhm ... cat piss hoppy ... it can fuck right off, actually ...
Dumping the last third and about to pour another glass of my golden stout to enjoy while I bottle some of it ...
I noticed that both of the really high-gravity beers that I bottled foamed very little while bottling, compared to the two that were lighter gravity.
It took forever for those to carb, too ...
I'm def wondering if the Mulberara and the Bhut stout are flat in the bottle, whereas I don't really have much concern re: the Golden or the Mild ...
Is it just a matter of the more viscous liquid not having as much internal motion and the CO2 stays in solution better because of it? ...
typically not, however its harder to perceive carbonation in higher ABV beers because of the residual sugars fucking with your mouthfeel
no one beer should carb faster than another
however, it could be because there was more dissolved CO2 in solution in the others before you started force carbing