pests Assassin bug or other?

Hi all. Was checking my plants today and noticed a couple of these bugs on my bell pepper plant. Are these assassin bugs? Or are they another sort of bug?

Our small swimming pool went unused this year because our granddaughter moved to Kansas and our other grandchildren are now teenagers.
NC tree frogs took over our pool for lovemaking (very noisy nights, males are small but  have voices big as Italian opera singers !)..
We raised over 8,000 tadpoles until they developed legs, then transported them to the neaby stream.  With so much rain, most probably were washed to SC  :rofl: .  But plenty of them are still around.  We need all we can get because the sketters are a plague this summer!

This one is on my 7 Pot Burgundy
I have been getting all kinds of various wildlife in the "jungle" ever since I moved everything into my shade house. Frogs and lizards and other bugs love it.
The only problem is some "bad bugs" like it as well. It gets a little humid.