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At least my serranos are okay.......

Sorry to be like all the other newbs and ask what will probably be an obvious question to you folks but I've gotta ask. These guys are droppin like flies....
So you can see below, they're not doing so well, except my serranos for some reason who all are kicking ass, my poblanos appear to be doing well too but they sprouted 10 days later than everybody else.... They're all treated identically so I'm not sure what the deal is.....
Here's some info:
I put holes in my solo cups to make em kinda like an air pot, probably useless.....
They're in miracle seed starter soil
I transplanted them into the solo cups about a week ago.
They're under two T5's about 4 inches above
They get a fan for about an hour a day but spread over 15 min intervals
I've been watering them with a spray bottle so I don't think too much water but who knows....

Thanks in advance should anyone care to respond!

Looks water or fert related to me, at least the first 2 do.  3rd is fine, 4th maybe the same as the first 2.  
Hard to say. They look dry to me. Are you giving them a good drink and then letting dry out in between? I don't like how they're deep in the solo cups. That could be trapping heat and denying air flow (even with those holes). Fill those suckers up and let them grow out over the top. I use a light to medium fan inside 24/7. I've never had a problem with fertilizer in starter mix - it's generally too low to cause issues.
I just measured how much water they get when I spray and it's maybe 1/4" of a pint glass 1/2 oz or so maybe. That does seem like not enough..... I expected more from 10 sprays....just gave em bout an inch.
Higher in the cup, got it. I can do this. It seems pretty dry before I was watering....
Thanks tons guys, it's really appreciated!
Ditto on the dry. The pic identified as 16pm has a gap between the soil and the cup. Water them till it runs out the bottom, and leave them be until they feel light. Then repeat.
Start bottom watering. i.e. Use 2 cups.  The top one should have a hole or holes in the bottom... add water to the bottom cup and let the water soak up through the medium.  give it a nice soaking, then let it get pretty dry before you water them again.
Big 10-4 on the agua! Lol just gave em a big drink!
I got suuuuper concerned about over watering cus that's all you read everywhere online, "Don't over water!" And my girlfriends mom "make sure you don't over water!" I went a little nuts with that info. Lol
Thanks tons everybody! Great forum here.....
Water these seedlings deep.Then allow them to dry out before watering again.ITS NORMALLY HOT HERE IN THE L.A. AREA SO MAYBE EVERY 3 OR 4 DAYS OR SO.BE VIGILANT!!!
A little on the late side, but I used to water mine with a spray bottle too. Turns out they were pretty dry inside when I took one out of the pot to check the roots and soil. I have since bottom watered myself. 
Just wanted to say HUGE thanks again to everybody, I lost my Thai chilies but all the others bounced back furiously. Great forum and great people here!
I have never used a misting system.  I Normally just take a small hose (1/16th or smaller) and attach it to a funnel.  Then I pour in the exact amount of water I need in the funnel with my finger over the hose.  I then can water where I want, with how much I want without risk of knocking the plants down or soaking the foliage. 
put them in a plasstic tub with a little water the soil can wick the water to roots and encourage root growth this will also help from under watering