At what point..

Sorry to be so bothersome :) but here goes..
At what point do I say Ok these are not gonna sprout and reseed??
My Habs Tabasco scotch bonnet were all started on march 3rd nothing yet
my jolokia was started on march 5th nothing yet
when should i just say ok replant? I am going on a trip (well overnighter) this sunday and monday coming home late monday I am thinking about replanted then if nothing has happened by then yes?? no??

my fatallis big jalapenos burning bush and naga morich were planted yesterday so I know they arent ready :lol:
It can take up to 4 weeks for alot of the pepper varieties to sprout.

That's why most of us over plant just to be sure we get peppers (and because we can't help ourselves).

If you are worried (which they is no need, it's only been a week for bob's sake), than I suggest you don't replant, but instead, plant some more pots with seeds.
HPFF---not saying it is right but the way I do it is if the seeds have not germinated by the time I transplant out of the 72 cell trays, they get one more week then no more transplanting out of the 72 cell trays usually occurs about 3 weeks after planting seeds...

I do not disturb the cells in the tray that have not sprouted but just set them aside...I found one seedling in pretty bad shape 3 weeks after my first transplant...and it is doing really wanted a drink of water though...
Just re-plant your seeds in a different place in the cell/cup so if the first seed comes up you'll know it. Then if both seeds sprout it will be easier to transplant one of them.

although i think there's nothing to worry about at this point (i bet when you get back from your trip a bunch will have sprouted, they like to wait until you aren't looking...) you can use wet paper towels as a back up...wet paper towels don't take up space and then you know what goes into the pot has sprouted...
everyone has their own method dealing with seeds.
when I plant seeds for the plants I want to start from seed. I put 2-3 seeds in each cup. out of 2-3 seeds per cup theres gotta be a seed growing, so I dont need to wait longer to replant when its getting closer to bringing them outside.

I'll either seperate the good plants in the same cup or if theres some bad ones that are not doing so good I'll just pull that one out & leave the good one growing.

I know its wasting some seeds but you'll get some seeds growing w/o wasting time.
I am probably just being paranoid they wont pop :lol:
so my plan is if the rest dont pop by end of march I will
just replant if I have too I have time heck I just may have started too early anyway its michigan so who knows when spring will get here :lol:
Give then longer and if nothing happens still you can try letting the seed dry out again and them re-plant it, it dosen't always work but can do. Then again if you have more seeds just shove some more in.
chilehunter said:
everyone has their own method dealing with seeds.

Agree with CH on this one....everybody has their own way...when I plant, I assume 60% germination within 4 weeks, if not, they go in the compost........period!!!

That is enough to insure me of viable seedlings for what I have planted......