• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Ausmith's 2013 Germany - First big pull

Better late than never!
Life was a bit overwhelming this year and finally we had a lazy Sunday... so I thought I'd start my 2013 Glog. Besides work being crazy I got married in May, plus the honeymoon in July, thus the lack of time for posting on THP. So here we go... starting with the obligatory wedding picture.

Last year I grew 100% indoor, but decided this year to venture outdoors. I was offered some modest space in my wife's grandfather's garden, so I took him up on it. I also kept a bunch of plants in the tent inside, but they got so big I had to pot them up and put them outside at our place. Once things sorted themselves out I ended up with 17 great plants. 
Here's the list:
Dutch Yellow x2
Caribbean Red or Jamaican Red Hot x3
7 Pot Jonah x1
Billy Goat x1
Goat Weed x1
Scarlet Lantern x1
Thai Dragon x1
Trinidad Yellow Scorp x1
Aji Lemon x1
Aji Pineapple x1
Bhut x1
Naga Morich x1
Choc. Hab x1
Jamaican Mushroom x1
**Big thanks to Rick for some of the seeds!!!
Here are the plants at our place:


Here's the garden at Grandpa's place

Dutch Yellow

Caribbean Red

7 Pot


Billy Goat

Next year I've been given as much space as I need for a garden. Here's the area I have to work with.

Man... getting cool here already. Thinking about firing up the lights and bringing some the potted plants into the tent.  
Have to go to Paris on Sunday-Monday and then Padova on Friday-Sunday....  Guess I'll need to get my butt in gear on Saturday.
Saw that some of the 7 pots were ripe today. I didn't pull them; waiting for the weekend.
Pulled these a week ago. Some Goat Peppers, 7 Pots, and Scotch Bonnets.  Lot's of peppers starting to get ripe. I think in 2 weeks we'll be doing a big pull.


Made some Caribbean Jerk Chicken Satay with above peppers.... man that was very good and very hot! Holy Crap.
I hope it's a very nice pull when you do it Clayton.
Man, if you used all the chiles pictured to make one batch of Jerk Chicken served Satay-style, I'll bet it was hot! I usually use only 3 SB or 7-pot chiles in a batch of Jerk marinade. I'll bet it was memorable though... :mouthonfire:
Thanks all!
Still have a whole bunch to go.... Lots of Dutch Yellow and my first round of Goat Weed should be ready next week.
Ausmith said:
Earlier this week I took the first big pull from the garden. I still have one or two more rounds to go. Making some chili tonight with a few Billy Goats and Yellow Scorps.

What are these? 7 Pot Red?
Just went back on your glog and seen that they are indeed Red 7's. Great looking couple you two are! Good luck on your marriage. I myself got married a couple years ago and did the Caribbean vacation. We went to Jamaica mon! My brother has friends in from Germany right now. My brother does some of semesters for college in Germany so he travels back and forth to study along with his buddies from Germany. I gave both of them a Reaper popper a couple weeks ago and said it was their worst experience in America yet, lmao!
German's can't handle the heat... well most of them can't. I gave my wife's aunt a tiny piece of a 7 Pot and I thought she was going to die. Good times.
Nice pull Clayton! I hope the next couple are as good. Most of the peppers here have shot their bolt, but a few of the alpine varieties are still hanging on. Cheers!