• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

AustinPepper 2013 Glog - First Glog

So, after disaster in mid march where I overwatered and killed all my plants (except for 2: THSC Naga 7 and Chocolate Trinidad Scorpion), I began anew.
This time, determined to grow many more peppers than I would ever need.
Trinidad Scorpion Butch T
Trinidad Scorpion Moruga
7 Pot
7 Pot Jonah
White Bhut Jolokia
Purple Bhut Jlokia
Dorset Naga

April 11, 2013:...along with the kids FINE artwork

April 13, 2013: Grow box in the Garage. The two planter trays on the left are the seeds from the first pic. The plastic container on the right was an experiment that didn't go so well.

May 7, 2013: Starting to alternate them with some time outdoors after I come home from work

Sometime about may 14...ish. Took the viable plants and put them in 4' plastic pots. Just wanted Each leaf to get max light and not be crowded out by other nearby plants. (about 60 plants made it here) Bottom watered when necessary.

May 31, 2013: Took the 15 I wanted and put them in 5 gallon Home Depot Buckets. (The two in tomato cages are the survivors from the disaster in march)

Spread them out and added an irrigation system. the 1/2" oly hose is attached to each bucket with a hose clamp. Didn't put the plants on the grass because this is the first time since I moved into this moneypit house I've had a green lawn. I'd like to look at it once in my life :rofl:
The remaining 45 went to friends and family....trying to spread the risk in case one location fails for one reason or another. Of course, if they all survive and produce...I'm going to be drowning in peppers since I'm the one with the dehydrator.
Looks awesome! Very clean setup. You'll have some monster plants in no time. One suggestion, if you haven't already, you should put some holes on the sides of the buckets at the bottom for drainage. Holes on the bottom itself don't drain very well on concrete. Just an observation. You're obviously a very talented grower. Good luck this year!
Dshlogg said:
Looks awesome! Very clean setup. You'll have some monster plants in no time. One suggestion, if you haven't already, you should put some holes on the sides of the buckets at the bottom for drainage. Holes on the bottom itself don't drain very well on concrete. Just an observation. You're obviously a very talented grower. Good luck this year!
already done. Holes on the bottom of these pots vs. the sides doesn't seem to matter since the concrete isn't very smooth or flat. I might put some small holes on the sides, though, in case the bottom start filling up with debris. Thanks for the suggestion!
Looking muy bueno man. And 115? Holy schmit. Was the node or mercury tube in the sun? I've found thermometers in the sun read even higher than the heat index.
Yeah. Local Weather Station said high today of 106. Me thinks this weather station probe is a little wonky. However, when I went out there today to check on things...I could believe 115. Still have my feet in ice water from stepping on that concrete. 
Looking great man, really good setup and it looks like you got those plants up and running in no time. I do not envy your heat man, that is CRAZY. But the good news is the heat stress will make those pods scorch!

This will be a good one to watch.

Some of the Chocolate Trinidad Scorpions from Neil at THSC

One month since last pic.
Have tons of Flowers and peppers starting to form on all plants except (of course) the TSBT.
Your plants are looking great! You having much trouble with flower drop in this heat? Half my plants are producing like crazy while the other half are just aborting everything.
There's a fair amount of flower drop. More so than my last pepper grow.

However, the last grow was on the grass and I think that the house and the patio create a heat sink so the night-time temperatures don't drop as fast or as far as they should.

These plants have many flowers and just started to produce peppers (so, a little over three months from start to podding up).