Awesome Long Hots

I posted this in the wrong forum 1st time.

Hi guys,

Lastnight I made some killer long hots. I promise these bad boys are sure to please! This recipe is from my boy in South Jersey, and might be a local thing I'm not sure. There are in a few really good Italian restaurants. They call them long hots there, but you might call them something different. They look like this:


10-15 Long Hots
~1/4lb Proscuitto (I used boar's head)
~1/4lb Sharp Provolone
Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Vegetable Oil
Baking Sheet

Get green long hots, around 6"-8". WEAR GLOVES! Cut one side of the pepper lengthways so you can dig out the seeds and form a shell. Put a layer of Proscuitto and SHARP provolone cheese in each, then salt to taste and drizzle extra virgin olive oil inside each pepper.

Get a baking sheet and coat the bottom with vegetable oil. Line the peppers up and bake them around 30 mins at 350F until the peppers look a little wilted and are SOFT.

Enjoy and let me know how they turn out!

edit: Just wanted to add that you should wear gloves. Being my first time making them I didn't. My fingers are still burning slightly, from 15 hours ago!
reminds me of the time i was cutting up some peppers and had to go number one insted of number two..........ouch is all i can say. was in my chili booth doing the cha cha...good thing they had some music going on.
That sounds like a really grreat, simple recipe. I will definitely try it out if I can find a chile like the "Long Hots" around here.

It's sort of like the stuffed jalapenos I make. I split and core them, then stuff with shredded cheese, olive oil and bread crumbs then wrap them in proscuitto or sometimes just bacon then grill 'em over low heat.

chuckster...i found a apple corer that hollows the jalapenos out and stuffem with a garlic cream cheese mixture and then wrap em in bacon and slowley grillem.......mmmmmm
might do some of those tonight for the carolina illini game.
Good god, an apple corer? I would think you'd need something more along the lines of a fire extinguisher and some HAZMAT gear...