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AZ 1000 2016 Pubescens Grow

This year I started very early because most of my plants will be Capsicum Pubescens  First plants are sprouted in August and  September.
This is my list
Rocoto Red 1           
Rocoto Red 2           
Rocoto Yellow           
Rocoto Orange         
Rocoto Amarillo        
Rocoto  Peru Cusco 
Rocoto Peru Bitdumi 
Rocoto Marlene         
Rocoto San Isidro                 
Rocoto Guatemalan Orange
Rocoto Guatemalan Red
Rocoto Guatemalan Yellow      
Rocoto Costarican Red.      
Rocoto Costarican Yellow    
Rocoto Peruvian Red.         
Rocoto de Seda.                
 Rocoto  Santa Natalia.        
 Rocoto  Macara.                  x 2
 Aji Oro.                               
 Aji Largo.                            
 Rocoto Manzano                
 Rocoto Rio Huallaga          
 Rocoto Pineapple               
 Rocoto Ecuadorian Red    
 Rocoto Ecuadorian Sweet 
 Rocoto Rojo Arequipeno  (Thegreenchilemonster)
 Rocoto Rojo Lima Market (Thegreenchilemonster)
Rocoto Riesen Gelb             
Rocoto Giant Red
Rocoto P 360
Rocoto Canario
Brown Rocoto 
Finland Orange
Tropical Orange. x2
Yellow Manzano. FPB
Rocoto Lima Market 2. FPB
PI 387838 Mini Rocoto
PI 585261 Ultra Pube x2
PI 585267 Turbo Pube
PI 585273 Rocoto Montufar
CAP 217 Hyper Pube x2
CAP 357
CAP 468
CAP 907
CAP 1242
CAP 1479
CAP 1481 x2
CAP 1492
CAP 1693
Cabe Gendot PaulG
Orange Manzano PaulG
Orange Manzano Hogleg
Orange Rocoto Hogleg x2
Yellow Rocoto Hogleg x2
Red Rocoto Hogleg
Long Yellow Rocoto GIP
Rocoto Yellow Early GIP
Tasted some Pubes and I'm very disappointed about their taste and heat.
First one was Rocoto Amarillo: no heat,very juicy and tasted like plain water.
Aji Largo : this one had some heat and taste like a sweet pepper but very diluted.
Rocoto Marlene:only the placenta had some heat and taste was like a unripe tomato but very weak
Costarican red :had some heat ,I can describe the taste but it was very diluted anyway
az1000 said:
Tasted some Pubes and I'm very disappointed about their taste and heat.
First one was Rocoto Amarillo: no heat,very juicy and tasted like plain water.
Aji Largo : this one had some heat and taste like a sweet pepper but very diluted.
Rocoto Marlene:only the placenta had some heat and taste was like a unripe tomato but very weak
Costarican red :had some heat ,I can describe the taste but it was very diluted anyway
That sucks that those were all low in both flavor and heat. Usually rocoto have a very distinct flavor, but for there to be no flavor must be a major let down. You have so many varieties that I'm sure you will find a handful of them that have what you are looking for heat and flavor wise. I have never tried any of those varieties, but I am growing the aji largo this year. I just don't have any ripe aji largo pods yet.
Thegreenchilemonster said:
That sucks that those were all low in both flavor and heat. Usually rocoto have a very distinct flavor, but for there to be no flavor must be a major let down. You have so many varieties that I'm sure you will find a handful of them that have what you are looking for heat and flavor wise. I have never tried any of those varieties, but I am growing the aji largo this year. I just don't have any ripe aji largo pods yet.
Maybe I don't have the right conditions for them?
az1000 said:
Tasted some Pubes and I'm very disappointed about their taste and heat.
First one was Rocoto Amarillo: no heat,very juicy and tasted like plain water.
Aji Largo : this one had some heat and taste like a sweet pepper but very diluted.
Rocoto Marlene:only the placenta had some heat and taste was like a unripe tomato but very weak
Costarican red :had some heat ,I can describe the taste but it was very diluted anyway
Sorry to hear that, :confused: especially after you worked so hard to get them. The only Pubiscens peppers I've sampled are the Orange Manzano and Red Rocoto, and both had plent of flavor and heat. Hopefully you'll find a variety with the qualities you like out of all the ones you have planted. We're pullin' for ya! :)
az1000 said:
Aji Oro is from the beginning of June .
Wow, 6 weeks to change from green to yellow?! I guess I'm going to have quite the wait then to try my aji oro out. BTW, the mini rocoto I'm growing from the seeds we traded are ripening to red. I was expecting them to turn yellow. I didn't know there was a red mini rocoto, maybe it crossed at some point or something. It is a fantastic plant though.
stickman said:
Sorry to hear that, :confused: especially after you worked so hard to get them. The only Pubiscens peppers I've sampled are the Orange Manzano and Red Rocoto, and both had plent of flavor and heat. Hopefully you'll find a variety with the qualities you like out of all the ones you have planted. We're pullin' for ya! :)
I hope so.
I'm thinking that lack of taste and heat is due to heat.
I have a Red Rocoto plant from a tested pod. I'm curious to see if it has the same taste.
Thegreenchilemonster said:
Wow, 6 weeks to change from green to yellow?! I guess I'm going to have quite the wait then to try my aji oro out. BTW, the mini rocoto I'm growing from the seeds we traded are ripening to red. I was expecting them to turn yellow. I didn't know there was a red mini rocoto, maybe it crossed at some point or something. It is a fantastic plant though.
Yea, is the fastest variety .
Can't wait to taste this one ,is very productive and heat tolerant .
Nice surprise that Mini Rocoto ,I hope to be a good one.
Do you tasted yet?
I don't have plants from that batch of seeds,not even one seed germinated. I have one Rocoto mini from another source but the don't have pods from him.
az1000 said:
Yea, is the fastest variety .
Can't wait to taste this one ,is very productive and heat tolerant .
Nice surprise that Mini Rocoto ,I hope to be a good one.
Do you tasted yet?
I don't have plants from that batch of seeds,not even one seed germinated. I have one Rocoto mini from another source but the don't have pods from him.
Yes, they are tasty. Medium heat with a cherry/apple kind of flavor. I'm saving lots of seeds, so I'll make sure to send you some.
az1000 said:
I hope so.
I'm thinking that lack of taste and heat is due to heat.
I have a Red Rocoto plant from a tested pod. I'm curious to see if it has the same taste.
I hope so too. I made a Pico de Gallo salsa today with some fresh tomatoes, and cilantro from the garden, and a frozen Red Rocoto pod I thawed. One pod was the perfect heat level for me.
Hybrid Mode 01 said:
     I hope your flavor and heat issues are limited to the first few pods you pick. Your plants are too healthy and pretty to produce duds! If I lived closer, I'd send you a box of Peru Bitdumis to tide you over. I hope your plants get things figured out and start making you happy soon!
I hope that too.
Peru Bitdumi is looking good ,it's about to start another round of flowers.