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Baby Pods and progress

I havent posted an update in awhile so here goes.
All the plants are starting to explode with pods,
buds and flowers.The Fatalli and Bonnet seem to be
doing good now after their little "incidents.
Cant wait to sample 1 ripe one..come on hurry up lol
heres some pics
Tabasco(thing is really exploding)

Baby Naga's(pods galore on it just hidden in pic)

Baby Fatalli's(plant is loaded despite losing 4 branches)

And all the plnats in a row(Jala Tam, S.Bonnet,Tab,Naga,Fat,
Hab ?? hidden from view,Tollies also hidden,N.M.B.Jim,Jala and
H.H. Wax)

Thanks to all again for the advice,seeds and tips.
In no time at all now, you're mouth is going to be burning. :P Looking great HPFF!!! It is so nice to see and watch pods forming.
HotPeppersFlyFishing said:
Thats Master Jedi to you :lol: kidding
December 7th A day that will live in Infamy
you were born :lol: sorry couldnt resist that 1 :lol:
btw I was 3 days later the 10th lol

December IS a cool Month.... :lol:
looking good HPFF...why don't you pull one of the bigger tabascos and have a taste test...they are hot and tasty even before they are ripe...you can tell when they are close to maturing 'cause you can see they are filling up with seeds...
AlabamaJack said:
looking good HPFF...why don't you pull one of the bigger tabascos and have a taste test...they are hot and tasty even before they are ripe...you can tell when they are close to maturing 'cause you can see they are filling up with seeds...
Thanks AJ.I did try 1 of the bigger tabby's and boy did
it catch me off guard :lol:
umhuh...told ya...they use the unripe ones in the "pepper sauce"...pepper infused vinegar to put on greens...