• If you have a question about commercial production or the hot sauce business, please post in Startup Help.

fermenting Back in Action

Hello dear friends, fanciers of the forbidden fruit of the capsicum plant. It has been a moment since my last post in 2021. Much has changed in life - I've gotten older, though seemingly no more mature in my sense of humor. I hope you all have done great and are in a good place in life.

I wasn't even planning on a return this season, but for my birthday my family surprised me with some plants earlier this spring. Best gift ever! Most all carolina reaper and habanero.


And now they are coming to literal fruition. :fireball:

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And so the cycle begins again!


I had a couple jars of mash, completely unopened from August of 2021 in my fridge still, never before tasted. Decided to finally eat some, and wow. Years does not reduce the heat, but it sure does something to the flavor. Delicious, if you can manage to wait that long!

Cheers, and best of luck to you in your harvests :cheers: