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Back Inside (sort of)

Well dang it we had a ton of rain today so
I decided to bring my "juvi's" back inside
because I didnt want them to float in their cups:lol:
The bigger potted ones are still outside but I just
wanted to protect my "babies":lol:
I know they are kinda leggy but IMO doing alot
better than my 1st attempt :)
they are going back out tomorrow to dry out
oh btw my plants have bugs on em every day now
tons of them but they are mayflies and it is
making me depressed (depressed because its a sign
that trout fishing is great up north and I am not
there lol)
well sh*t 3:30 am just got slammed with rain
2 outside plants were bent in half I propped em
up with sticks glad I got the youngins inside

Once my plants got the number of leaves yours have, I would water them until they were soaked and water poured out the bottom. It didn't hurt them at all. As far as being leggy, if you have deep pots you can plant to the bottom leaf.

Hey hotpepperflyfishing, (Man I hope your real name is shorter to type:lol:) a couple of my plants are kept outside now. Neither is honestly much bigger than your bolivian rainbown. (However,they are growing much quicker now in the real sun.) They were out in the thunderstorms yesterday and one was pretty massive that came through here. They were fine and they are healthy as can be.(My sunburned white hab is getting a little better too.) I did put them out in really big pots already though. (Those cups would probably blow over pretty easy.) If you've got good drainage in the bottoms in big pots I'd say those ones would be ok out there now. As long as they are hardened off. Also, I feel for ya on the fishing. I'm not a big trout fisherman, but I loooooove fishing. Actually, I'm hoping the gills are still spawning right now. I'm going to head out in the morning and try to catch a limit of nice sized ones on my flyrod. This is my favorite time of year to catch them on flys. They are so aggressive on there beds this time of year you could probably catch them by tossing out a hook with a loogie on it.:lol: