Bacon question

Having seen so many yummy treats here made with bacon, I would like to ask the connoisseurs of this fine meat product how to buy it.

All bacon is not created equal. The retail store brand is obviously low grade, the quality of the bacon I got from the supplier when I worked in a restaurant was much higher.

I can get locally raised and butchered bacon and I would prefer that....Its priced right up there with the lamb that I have not been able to afford....If I am buying a national brand- is there any recommended?

Or should I start treating bacon as a treat, so as to get the good stuff, and give it up as a staple?

meat is starting to be holiday food only, 'round here....
I personally consider all Bacon to be good. But with that said, I will treat myself to the local butcher made bacon every once in a while (when the $$ is available). When buying store bought bacon, I just look to see how fatty it may be. Sometimes you can even find the thick sliced bacon on the supermarket selves. But, whatever you do, don't give up on bacon just because the good stuff to too expensive.
This time of year I like to make my own bacon, and I prefer to cure without injecting a lot of liquid into the pork belly like most store bought bacon. Its amazing how quick and easy it is to make bacon and its just so tasty, and if you really want it lean then cure pork loins and make Canadian bacon
This time of year I like to make my own bacon, and I prefer to cure without injecting a lot of liquid into the pork belly like most store bought bacon. Its amazing how quick and easy it is to make bacon and its just so tasty, and if you really want it lean then cure pork loins and make Canadian bacon

:think: I never thought about making my own bacon...Potawie you have gotten my interest sparked.
Although not always necessary, I usually like to smoke my bacon. One of my next experiments however will be pancetta which is usually not smoked, but dry-cured and spiced(usually nutmeg, pepper, fennel, dried ground hot peppers and garlic)
While I do enjoy the more foo foo and $$ bacon, good store bought is not so much a matter of brand, but cut. I buy the thicker center cut bacon. It has a higher meat to fat ratio which I find more useful when using bacon as an ingredient for a dish.
I generally buy a local brand here in PA. It is called Kunzler and they make it (and many other deli meats and hams)about 20 minutes from me. I don't know if you have this one or another local brand at any of your grocers. Ask someone in the meat dept. what they recommend.
There are only two kinds of bacon, excellent and most excellent. Thicker cuts tend to be better, and with most food products, fresher is better. I really haven't found a brand that I'm in love with and partial to though.
Thanks for your help guys. Nope, the cut-rate store brands are not good bacon. not only was the fat to meat ratio something lie 90/10, but before the week was out, it started smelling rancid. However, I do have better information now to find bacon that we'll like without sacrificing a whole weeks worth of dinner to purchase it!

Thanks Potawie- when I eventually move out to the country and live near hog farmers I may try a busy single mom livin downtown, I just needed shopping advice. :oops:- I actually thought curing bacon was one of those fine old crafts best left to experts!
I have a partially used pack of oscar meyer center cut bacon thats was first opened like 3 weeks ago, its just about as fresh as when it was first opened. We do keep our fridge very cold, so that may help. Its also a very tasty brand IMO.