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Bacterial disease?

I've seen this same spot with concentric rings pop up on a few plants over the last month. This leaf is on a Brain Strain. Not only do all of the Brain Strain's have the same thing but it also spread to other pepper plants and some tomatoes. I've removed all the affected leaves that I saw about a week ago and have not noticed any new spots since.

Can anyone identify what I may have here? Last year I was afflicted with several viruses and bacterial invasions and I'd dearly like to not have a repeat.

None of the plants have been sprayed with anything so far this year. They have only received nutes in the form of Botanicare Pro Grow.
Lately we have having people coming in with the same problems. Has it been raining or cold and wet ,humid weather? Bacterial spots ,fungus ! Please keep plant not too moist and has proper ventilation. Get infected leaves out so that its spores don't spread.
Good luck.
what would you consider to be a weak solution?

the temps have been 75-80 during the day, low humidity, almost no rain and get watered whenever they need it. It usually works out to be every two to three days. I water at the base of the plants in the mornings and do not spray the leaves.
Yeah, that's BLS (bacterial leaf spot) for sure. I had heck with it last year, and like you, the weather was not especially humid, and I only watered at the base of the plants in the morning. The leaf sprays were somewhat helpful, but incredibly huge amounts of very potent applications were required to keep the infection at bay. So much of the antibiotic (Daconil) was necessary that it seemed to "bleach out" the flavor and heat from the chile pods.

What finally seemed to really work was to feed the plants as much nitrogen fertilizer as they could handle, so that the plants set large amounts of deep green leaves. That new foliage seemed to be immune to the BLS. I used fish emulsion and Osmocote 14-14-14 at the roots, and some fish emulsion on the leaves. Probably that mineral balance is wrong, and I know some of the growers here don't like Osmocote, but that was what I had on hand.

Contrary to popular wisdom, I did not observe the expected "lots of leaves but little fruit" effect from feeding high amounts of nitrogen. That may have been, however, because I applied it late in the season, after most of the fruit had set. The plants did produce lots and lots of small, dark leaves, along with the abundant fruit. I observed these same effects across several varieties of C. annuum, one variety of C. frutescens one of C. chinense, and one of C. baccatum.
what would you consider to be a weak solution?

the temps have been 75-80 during the day, low humidity, almost no rain and get watered whenever they need it. It usually works out to be every two to three days. I water at the base of the plants in the mornings and do not spray the leaves.

Make it up to the colour of weak tea and spray it on weekly or fortnightly. You cannot overdo it. They love it and the natural iodine in seaweed helps to control bacterial conditions.
I agree with windchicken on the new growth bit. I have had a couple of baterial cases here this year and I just pruned em right back and fed the shit outta them and the new growth is all good.
Make it up to the colour of weak tea and spray it on weekly or fortnightly. You cannot overdo it. They love it and the natural iodine in seaweed helps to control bacterial conditions.
I agree with windchicken on the new growth bit. I have had a couple of baterial cases here this year and I just pruned em right back and fed the shit outta them and the new growth is all good.

Cool. I will try the seaweed instead of the Daconil this year.
sea weed is the most amazing thing on all plants, gives you great leaf and stem growth to.makes plants Strong and healthy. if you grow tomatoes you can ferment sea weed and spray once a week to get good and sweet fruit. makes the soil fluffy to I add the sea weed left over to the soil. also ferment papaya