• Please post pictures and as much information as possible.

disease Bacterial infection or something else?

So I planted this seed at home in late march and it was doing pretty well, but a few days ago i noticed these weird spots on the leaves and after checking on the subject of leaf spots I decided to cut off this part of the leaf. I didn't spot any insects by the way.



But now I'm noticing all my pepper plants have this uneven structure to them when looking on them through light. Sorta like a bunch of slightly lighter green spots. It's my first time trying to grow anything, so i'm panicking a little because today one of the new small leaves on the same plant with weird round spots grew soft and basically dead (sorry, don't have a photo of that).

So the question is what that might be and what my course of actions should be?


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UPD. New photos 2 days later

There was no new round spots but i'm still concerned about the weird yellowing on the older leaves. (New leaves aren't growing but i think that's because i need to get this pepper in the new pot (3 gallon).

The last pic especially looks weird to me, this sort of pattern looks like a virus but since i'm new to this I can't tell. By the way all 7 plants in small pots have this pattern on old leaves.


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Sadly I can't order from Amazon and this product is not available in my country. But i used copper oxychloride, hope if there is a bacterial infection it will help, if not it will prevent it in the future.

But could it be a virus?

I planted my other seeds in the other room 2 weeks ago and have to understand if I can place them in the same space.
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Those spots in your very first picture are very strange, never seen anything like it, but i'm pretty sure it's not bacterial leaf spot. Spots would be turning dark quickly and look soft and mushy.
I had those yellow spots on my Bonda ma Jacques this year.
Post in thread 'Sulsa's 2022 grow log' https://thehotpepper.com/threads/sulsas-2022-grow-log.75527/post-1737264
It didn't spread and newgrowth is all fine, but older leaves didn't heal, spots became quite pronounced and clear yellow, but there is no breach in the outer layers of the leaves. Still a mystery to me.
The yellow patterning does look worrying, but i also noticed your soil is quite wet, peppers don't like that and can have problems with their nutrient uptake. This could also explain the yellowing and patterning of the leaves.
Hope it will turn out allright for you!
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Those spots in your very first picture are very strange, never seen anything like it, but i'm pretty sure it's not bacterial leaf spot. Spots would be turning dark quickly and look soft and mushy.
I had those yellow spots on my Bonda ma Jacques this year.
Post in thread 'Sulsa's 2022 grow log' https://thehotpepper.com/threads/sulsas-2022-grow-log.75527/post-1737264
It didn't spread and newgrowth is all fine, but older leaves didn't heal, spots became quite pronounced and clear yellow, but there is no breach in the outer layers of the leaves. Still a mystery to me.
The yellow patterning does look worrying, but i also noticed your soil is quite wet, peppers don't like that and can have problems with their nutrient uptake. This could also explain the yellowing and patterning of the leaves.
Hope it will turn out allright for you!
Thanks for reassurance!

The soil is wet because the photos were taken just right after watering. I water them every 3 days or so.
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So, i decided to log this whole thing so maybe someone will see the photos and figure something out.

How it started:
I planted lots of Ring of fire and Aji Pineapple seeds (20 in total) germinating them in the soaked napkins (i planted the ones that had roots), then i transferred them to the seed tray under growlight and in a week only 2 sprouted but quickly died so i figured i did something wrong (probably too warm and too much water) i found one last seed and planted it in the same soil (not very smart i guess). Then i saw it started growing and understood that i managed to grow at least something and that's when i done the stupidest thing — i planted seeds from storebought green chilli in the tray. Yep, have no idea what kind of chili that is, no idea if they are resistant to viruses and all that. Just wanted to see if I was doing everything right and a lot of them sprouted. Then i planted some bell peppers and the time has come for the putting the big ones in the pots (1 litre for the Ring of Fire and 0.8 litre for weird green chili).

My soil mix is
— store bought soil (did not disinfect before using)
— 10% perlite
— 10% vermiculite
— 10% peat moss
— organic 5-5-5 fertilizer (applied in 2 weeks after transplanting)

The soil mix i used for germinating was the same only exluding peat moss and fertilizer.

Now fastforward 3 weeks and here we are.. The leaves are mottled, the new growth on ring of fire is weird (not all of it but like 3-4 leaves are wrinkled and damaged):

By the way the white coating is from using copper oxychloride solution.

Below is the photo of the Ring of Fire pepper leaf and i think the mottling became more prominent (I cut the oldest leaves that were way worse in terms of yellow spots).

Two green chilis were "mutated" from the start having doubled leaves and being wrinkled (the two "teenage mutant ninja turtles" plants are the only ones that don't have the mottled leaves as of now):


Now the 3 green chili plants that i quarantined in other room because the coloring looks a little to scary and i can't decide if it's virus or just deficiency:




The last one especially looks horrific to me and is like a picture from guidebook on mottle viruses.

So that's all for now. At the time of creating this thread I started practicing garden hygiene — washing my tools, touching my plants less, and washing hands everytime after touching them or working with them.

Here are the other seeds i planted and the only ways of disease spreading on them are:
— my hands (i wash them)
— the watering jug (i'm praying this one won't transfer any disease since I DON'T WASH MY WATER JUG)
— soil mix (maybe the peat moss was compromised?)
— pests (i used Aversectin C on all my plants)

I don't know what I'm gonna do if they get potentially infected too. To start this hobby and get the worst outcome on my first try would be an achievement for sure.

I don't know how this journey will end but please learn from my mistakes.
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Looks like a couple of issues going on, but that first one - the round "eaten" spot definitely looks more pest-related than disease. Even if you're not seeing them, you could have something. Without seeing the creature to identify it, best bet would probably be something fairly general like Neem.

Any chance you're seeing anything that looks like black pellets underneath?
Looks like a couple of issues going on, but that first one - the round "eaten" spot definitely looks more pest-related than disease. Even if you're not seeing them, you could have something. Without seeing the creature to identify it, best bet would probably be something fairly general like Neem.

Any chance you're seeing anything that looks like black pellets underneath?
I had thrips in other room, but used Aversectin C on all my plants and seen none since. I checked my peppers with a phone and seen none of thrips and i know how they look like. I seen none of the black dots underneath leaves. Also i have furniture beetle but there is no way they ate my pepper, right?

It's been a week since I first noticed the round spots and there was none since then, so right now I'm more scared of the mottle on the leaves.

I bought another insecticide and going to apply it in a few days just to be sure.


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The leaves are looking droopy and also here's one of the leaves on the pepper that previously had just dots on leaves. Now it looks even more severe.

Here are some other peppers that grow in the same space as the one shown above




They all look like shit, i must be doing something wrong.

And here are my sprouts in the different room, for some reason some of them have blackening on the "first leaves" and a little on their true leaves. (The ones on the far right are fine it's just black pearl pepper being, well, black)



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Hello, pepper destroyer here.

This is how leaves look like through light on my biggest plant (ring of fire).

These spots appear only on new growth, older leaves seem to have dots with smooth edges. What could it be?
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