fertilizer Bacterial Leaf Spot? Sun / Fertilizer Burn?

Hey guys,
I am having a hard time identifying the issues I am currently experiencing with my Reaper and Red Savina plants. A brief history:
I bought the Red Savina plants at a local nursery (larger plant in the picture) about a month ago and grew the Reapers from seed with seeds from 2016. The Reapers germinated well and fast and due to the good spring weather we had here in San Jose in Feb I put them on my balcony and had them get some of the early year sun. I put them back inside every day as temps were still below 50.
The spots on the pictures started to appear on the Reapers first, about a month ago. I have about 9 of them (9 out of 10 seeds germinated) and all of them started to show those spots at about the same time. Some more and some less, but all of the 9 plants have those spots. Over time the Red Savinas that I bought started to develop spots on a couple of leafs too.
Again, to me it looks like bacterial leaf spot, but I would like to ask for some input before I start treating something that I misdiagnosed. I uploaded a few pictures, I really appreciate your support! https://imgur.com/a/5lmUd
I try to make that dependent on the soil moisture. The Red Savinas are in 1 gallon air pots and those I water twice a week with deep watering, maybe three times (depends on the weather, three times I just started recently as temperatures went up 20 degrees over the last few days). The Reapers are still in smaller pots with less ventilation, so those probably receive a lighter watering once a week, the soil is still moist after 3-4 days, especially as I try to not fully expose them to mid day sun at the moment by keeping them in partial shade every once in a while.
As for the soil: I use a self made mix with equal parts peat moss, coco coir, perlite and vermiculite. As soil amendments I added some garden lime, a little bit of epsom salt and Mykos. Every second watering includes a light (in my opinion) dose of a nitrogen heavy fertilizer (Dyna-Gro Foliage Pro).