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Bacterial leaf spot???

I need some help with this one!!! My big ButchT is loosing leaves at a steady pace now even some small new leaves, so I know something is wrong. From time to time I see a clear thick liquid on the top of a leaf. I dont see any pests, but I know that doesnt mean they might be hiding somewhere.
I am starting to get desperate because I'm loosing leaves every day now about 2-5 a day. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks! Heres some pics



Most of the leaves I'm loosing are a yellowish color, although I do recall loosing a few smaller leaves that were mostly or all green.
Thanks again!
Not positive. I would (because I'm freaky that way) pull all the leaves that had any spots and spray that plant down with some copper/sulphur. I would also isolate it. Just to be safe. But I'm a pretty big over-reactor on this stuff and terribly new. So, good luck. Be interesting to see what some of the more experienced growers have to say.
I am having the same problem, also with a big butch T. I think it has to do with air circulation. I had the issue with all my plants, then I cut off all the affected leaves and moved all the other plants outside and they are fine. The butch t is staying inside by the window and since it's growth exploded it started to get worse. I have a fan going almost all the time, but I'm going to try some aggressive pruning to get more air flow and hope for the best.
I am having the same problem, also with a big butch T. I think it has to do with air circulation. I had the issue with all my plants, then I cut off all the affected leaves and moved all the other plants outside and they are fine. The butch t is staying inside by the window and since it's growth exploded it started to get worse. I have a fan going almost all the time, but I'm going to try some aggressive pruning to get more air flow and hope for the best.

Interesting thanks. I know airflow is good, but I'm not sure if I'm sold that it is the root cause of the problem.
I would like to see a picture of the whole plant...is it just the older leaves that are doing this?....can you post a few pics that show the plant itself...
Doesn't look bacterial too me. The plant looks really big. Could it be root bound? Too much water. Like AJ said can we get a pic of the whole plant. Have you changed anything you have been doing recently?
Does not look like bacterial spot I had.....you always see people say to quarantine a bacterial spot plant, would it be contagious to other plants? I would not think it would not be contagious unless there was direct contact, maybe not even then.

I can see getting an aphid infested plant away from your other plants, a lot of the other ailments, not so much.
Thanks guys. I will put up a pic or two of the whole plant here very soon. and the plant is loosing both new smaller leaves and bigger older leaves, so thats why I'm worried


personally, I don't think anything is wrong with them...I can see leaves that are yellowing but that is normal IMO...my plants lose a lot of leaves but as long as the new growth is healthy (which your's seem to be) I wouldn't worry...

however, if by chance this is BLS, there are treatments you can use that have already been mentioned...isolating the plants you have questions about is always a good idea

how big are your containers...they may need more root growth space...
I agrree with Aj. When a plant is loaded up with leaves it is natural for some to turn yellow then fall off.

You gonna get that baby outside. I bet it would really take off!
Its in a 5 gal pot. Its just the fact that the small leaves are falling off as well. But if its no concern I wont worry about it. Thanks for all the comments. I may try potting it up. Or putting it outside
More room for the roots...a fan for the edema, and maybe better light. Plants that size have a hard time getting enough light. I'd be willing to bet some sunlight (small doses until hardened) would do that baby wonders! I know that's an issue for you, I remember reading you only have a small balcony that gets indirect light right???
More room for the roots...a fan for the edema, and maybe better light. Plants that size have a hard time getting enough light. I'd be willing to bet some sunlight (small doses until hardened) would do that baby wonders! I know that's an issue for you, I remember reading you only have a small balcony that gets indirect light right???
Yes I have a decent sized balcony that gets indirect sunlight. I have a 400W Mh light. Still not enough light? I will see how it does outside. Our weather here in Washington is pure crap! nothing but 50's&60's for a high with rain for the next 10 days. So I dont think it will help matters
More room for the roots...a fan for the edema, and maybe better light. Plants that size have a hard time getting enough light. I'd be willing to bet some sunlight (small doses until hardened) would do that baby wonders! I know that's an issue for you, I remember reading you only have a small balcony that gets indirect light right???
Yes I have a decent sized balcony that gets indirect sunlight. I have a 400W Mh light. Still not enough light? I will see how it does outside. Our weather here in Washington is pure crap! nothing but 50's&60's for a high with rain for the next 10 days. So I dont think it will help matters
Might be enough light...but nothing beats the real deal. If temps are that low, I might wait a bit. If it gets up into the mid 60's or above you should be good to go...
More room for the roots...a fan for the edema, and maybe better light. Plants that size have a hard time getting enough light. I'd be willing to bet some sunlight (small doses until hardened) would do that baby wonders! I know that's an issue for you, I remember reading you only have a small balcony that gets indirect light right???
Yes I have a decent sized balcony that gets indirect sunlight. I have a 400W Mh light. Still not enough light? I will see how it does outside. Our weather here in Washington is pure crap! nothing but 50's&60's for a high with rain for the next 10 days. So I dont think it will help matters
Might be enough light...but nothing beats the real deal. If temps are that low, I might wait a bit. If it gets up into the mid 60's or above you should be good to go...
Should I take it back in? I dont know what to think about this one? It could be lack of N? Not enough light? Root bound? Fungus? Nobody seems to put their thumb on it. Thanks for the advice. Ya I wish temps were better! Its a drag living over here! :(