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Bacterial Spot of Pepper

hab plant in trouble - need help plz

Hi All

ive started to notice some leaf curling and spots on my plant.
after some digging round on the internet, its not looking good. I think my plant may be showing the arly signs of "Bacterial Spot of Pepper". I Was hoping anyone here with some experience could confirm my diagnosis.

ive taken a few shots of the early symptoms:

1. Light Yellow spots are appearing on the top of leaves

2. The yellow spots develop darker and what looks to be rotting forms

3. the underside of the leaves are covered in tiny dark spots

4. the rotting is developing more

This is a plant i purchased from a nursery (bunnings actually) so i didnt develop from seed, however im about 2 weeks away from putting my seedlings outside and i dont want any other plants to get infected (if it is what i think it is).

This is the only chilli plant i have outside so im just going to leave it for the moment and see if i can treat it.
i wouldnt say im using alot.
Ive been using a mix of Seasol & Seasol powerfeed once every 10 days / fortnight. Maybe that is too much ??? Last time i did was a week ago

The plant is just starting to bud, and ive noticed dark spots (pic 3) on some of the flowers.
Also ALOT of the new growth leaves are small, curling and falling off - and the rotting / burns type areas are getting more frequent
Unfortunately I don't have alot of experience myself... it's my first time growing chillies this season.

I actually had something similar happen to one of my plants awhile back and came to the conclusion that it was Bacterial Spot too. But as someone pointed out, dead tips usually indicate some sort of burning. So sure enough, I cut right back on the nutes and the problem eventually grew itself out.

Maybe you could leave fertilizing for a little while and see what happens? Or maybe cut back to one or the other and/or use half doses? I would probably avoid foliar fertilization for the time being as well.

Does the potting mix or soil that you are using already have fertilizer mixed in? If so, it would be a very good idea to avoid any sort of fertilization for some time.

Like I said though, I don't have alot of experience myself, so the problem could be something totally different. Whatever it is, I hope you get it sorted soon!
hi all

heres a bit of an update ...
The hab plant is getting worse and i dont know what i should do.

The leaves are getting dry and brittle. Even the older ones. There hasnt been any new growth in over a month. Any flowers, and the one pod i had, have long since fallen off. There are alot of leaves falling off too.

Heres what ive been trying:
-Fertilizers: ive been using is a combination of seasol (NPK 0.1: 0.05: 2) and seasol powerfeed (NPK 12: 1.4: 7), but i havent used either since 2 weeks prior to posting the 1st post.

-Pest control: As suggested it might be something eating at the plant. My basil plant had caterpillars but other than that there was no visible pest. So i bought some neem oil and insecticide soap. Sprayed at 2 week intervalls (twice) and no change to the pepper plant. It took care of the basil though

-minerals: after reading abit i got some calcium (in the form of powdered milk lol) and epsom salts. i applied them a week apart. 1st epsom salts, then calcium, then another round of epsom . Id mix 1/2 a litre and water the plant with it. Thats the only watering its had so i dont think its overwatered

-Overwatering: As above ive only watered 3 times in the last month, and then it was only 1/2 a litre a time. The soil was dry on top down a few inches but the plant wasnt wilting. Weve had an excessive amount of rain in the last week with more to come, but its in such a big heavy pot i cant move it.

My next step is to try Hydrogen peroxide, thinking it may be root rot - but how do you apply it when its going to rain all week / the soil is wet?

any ideas would be much appreciated. Its looking really raggerd


well my plant is finally about to bite the dust. I had hope forit before, but its looking pretty raggard now.

Alot of the leaves are gone, and in my frustration i went digging in the pot. Found some interesting things:

1. mould. Lots of it under the surface. i was surprised - I guess the hot weather rain hasnt helped. The pot shape either - its long and narrow
2. what look like whiteflies but im not sure - they were all under the soil surface
3. some weird looking ants. long in the body - all down through the roots

here are some pics:

Sorry to hear, buddy... that sucks big-time and I feel your pain!

The other day I had to toss 10 or so plants due to shithead mites infestation and a couple days before that, I lost 8 or so in a shithead possum attack.
It sucks you lost your plants, that soil look way to wet. If you still want to try and save it, pull it out, hose off the roots and trim them a little bit, replant in new dry soil. Try keeping it a little less soaked next time.
That does suck mate, do you have other plants? I've been seeing mature O-Habs in nurseries, you might be better off turfing this one and buying new.
thanks all. its alot harder than i thought to grow chillies on the balcony.

i will try and save it, but with another 4ish days of thunderstorms predicted i think ill wait till next weekend.
think ill try a different pot and soil this time.

are those whiteflies (in the 3rd pic) ???
i dug down an inch or two and they suddenly appeared
Hmmm. I have something similar in my Aji Cristal... Luckily its not looking that bad yet. Leaves are curling weirdly and some dark spots are forming to the leaves. I cut all the spotted leaves to see if its spreading to others and it seems to be slowing down after i changed my soil. Some of the Bolivian Rainbows leaves are also curly and it has the same soil mix that Aji first had. I believe that it has something to do with the ph of soil and i think mine is too acidic because of the peat im using.

Oh, and as a new member i salute you all and hope your plants wont get this kind of problems...
Bennoz that really does suck and I feel your pain.
I've lost most of my plants that I started last october to this mysterious leaf curling problem which I have yet to figure out.
I have basil, tomatoe, mint, and tyme growing like weeds and nothing kills it, seems to only be the pepper plants.
It should be so easy to grow chili plants in the climate I live in, I really dont understand.
get some neem oil spray mix up in a qt spray bottle with 1 teas. of ivory dish soap,spray plant and soil every two weeks till gone.works for me!