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Bacterial Spot

I noticed some spots on a few of my plants last night - after referring to some of my reading material I believe I have Bacterial Spot on a few plants.
there doesn't seem to be any way to stop this once started except for spraying with copper spray and even then variable results occur. do you have any experience with this?

**this question is from chilliman64 who isn't able to access THP from work but is hoping for some answers when he gets home.
thanks bent - what a start to the season I'm having. may as well just sit here and wait for pod donations ;)

I've got a few plants with definite BS. I think I may have to remove the effected plants, or do I? I have removed the offending leaves. I don't believe there is any treatment that will work as the copper spraying seems to inhibit plant growth so I guess I'm screwed either way. btw - the plants are in pots with brand new potting mix.

will the BS move from plant to plant? if not I will probably persevere and just remove leaves as necessary though the BS seems to be doing this anyway. I know I can't save seed from infected plants as I will only produce the same result next year.

I also seem to have some very small black flying bugs enjoying my plants. they are about the size of fleas and have clear wings - any thoughts? I'm gonna blast 'em with pyrethrum and see what happens - might mix a drop of soap and some chile powder in for good measure!
The bug spray I used last week worked great...I had the worms & 2 or three hungry kinds of bugs...I picked up some spray from Bunnings with pyrethrum, chilli, garlic & plant food all in one. 3 L container came with its own spray nozzle (that bit broke in a hurry)..I think it was around $10.

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I've never had Bacterial spot but I've used copper fungicides with no problems.

I've read that copper sprays can inhibit plant development, you haven't experienced any side effects with your plants Potawie?
I usually switch between copper and sulfer fungicides since resistance can build up and I've never seem any problems.