Bags versus Pots

Second new thread in one night...I must really need help lol
Last season, late ion the year I had a number of younger plants I got or started way too late that I need to repot.  This was around late July early August.  I only had about 12 post and I had about 25 plants so I decided to order some planter bags for the rest.  The mix of species was about even.  The difference in results was striking.  The potted plants seemed to thrive.  The bagged plants had yellowed leaves, dropped leaves and generally did poorly
Question...are there substantially different care protocols regarding sun, water etc.  for the two potting choices?
I was planning on an outdoor patch in bags this spring but I don't want to invest the time and energy if that simply won't work here in Florida
perhaps the bags were retaining more moisture. I have used them before and they seem to need less watering.
I prefer grow bags to pots. So much so, that I got rid of all my pots. What material and what size grow bags did you use?
These are the bags I used in various sizes from 5 to 10 gallon
Different brand but look like the same type of material. I will not use anything smaller than 10 gallons.

Not really sure why you had bad results with them. You are in Florida and I would think you would have to water frequently. I would just go with whatever works best for you.
Suncoast said:
Second new thread in one night...I must really need help lol
Last season, late ion the year I had a number of younger plants I got or started way too late that I need to repot.  This was around late July early August.  I only had about 12 post and I had about 25 plants so I decided to order some planter bags for the rest.  The mix of species was about even.  The difference in results was striking.  The potted plants seemed to thrive.  The bagged plants had yellowed leaves, dropped leaves and generally did poorly
Question...are there substantially different care protocols regarding sun, water etc.  for the two potting choices?
I was planning on an outdoor patch in bags this spring but I don't want to invest the time and energy if that simply won't work here in Florida
I would guess that it was the late season transplanting.
dragonsfire said:
Shipping to Canada makes it basically impossible, $45-55 shipping for anything. %35 exchange rate.

dude, i bet someone down here could order them and then mail them to you. they come folded up real nice and the box wouldn't be heavy at all.