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hot-sauce Bahama's hot sauce's

do some of you know of some good hot sauces that are sold there, more or less some local good hot sauces to look for & try from the bahama's.
D'Vanya's and 3D's Brand are both Bahamian brands.
thanks! but are those the only brands that would be found in the bahamas ?
for some reason I would of thought there'd be several local hot sauce companies in the bahamas, well at least more than 2.
LOL I don't know every brand. Are you going there? Why not see what's there when you get there?
thehotpepper.com said:
LOL I don't know every brand. Are you going there? Why not see what's there when you get there?

come on you're the head honcho (sp?)
the chilehead overlord of this forum, you should know all...when it comes to chile products! :lol: :P

kidding aside, the 2 names you gave is at least a start for something to look for, thanks!
no I'm not going to the bahamas...I wish....I know some people going & asking if they have some time to get me some local hot sauces, & if I could come up with some names then I'd think it might make it easier for them to look for those brands vs what I've tried (by chance they also sell usa sauces)
if I was going there, I'd be buying every fricking chile product I saw :lol: (out of habit) & coming back with suit cases of hot sauces to share with all of you here!
Pirate's revenge

My brother brought me a bottle of "Pirates Revenge" back from Eleuthera a few years back. It's available from a beach shack on the island, and it is frickin gorgeous.

The bottle is a hip-flask type (like Pain Is Good) and the sauce is medium-thick,a dark brown colour, with little chunks and flakes of God-knows-what in it. The label is obviously hand-printed and cut out with scissors so the product is home-made.

I was a novice to hot sauces at the time and it seemed bloody hot to me (then again, so did Pain Is Good) so I dare say now I would find it tame. However the flavour in my experience remains unsurpassed.

I would strongly urge anyone going anywhere near Eleuthera to do their damndest to detour and get some.

You can see it on the left on the third photo down here: http://www.eleu.net/rebecca.html
well I received my gifts of hot sauces :cool:
the conchy joes uses goat chiles & finger chiles (whatever finger chiles are ?)
I also got a hot sauce straight from HELL, serious!! its from HELL..... hell, grand caymen :lol: that'd be the devils hangout (yellow sauce)
to bad half of'em have mustard in them, just hope the mustard is not overpowering. I can handle some but not alot.

finger peppers are bahamian frutescens peppers. if you like i could send some seeds over. Nice n spicy . a conchy joe is a white bahamian in case you were wondering.
peppermanbaha said:
finger peppers are bahamian frutescens peppers. if you like i could send some seeds over. Nice n spicy . a conchy joe is a white bahamian in case you were wondering.

that white label attached to the bottles explain the name, this is what it says.

- how the nickname " conchs " became " conchy joe "

" conchs " was a nickname given to the poor european settlers of the bahamas by the wealthy american loyalists who came to the island in the 1860's to escape the american civil war.

over the years the nickname " conchs " evolved to " conchy joe " which can still be heard throughout the bahamas today. many bahamas are proud of this nickname as it reminds them of their familys humble beginnings as they settled in the bahamas. -
Alot of people around here use finger peppers but I dont really care for them.
Seem to have alot of heat and not alot of flavor..

I guess I would be considered a conchy joe lol.