Bahamian goat pepper origin theory

Love the BG!

Also, I had these red surprises last year.   Not so unusual for OP seed, though.
Helvete, thank you.  What I have been able to figure out is that in Haiti there are a few things called Goat Pepper, but most common it is Capsicum chinense piment bouc and I am fairly sure that is the one used in conjunction with Maman Brigitte.  Some sites in the UK list Bahamian Goat Peppers that way, but US sites only tend to say they are Capsicum chinense which is mighty damn broad.

The other thing is that references specific to the religious use are never specific.  They just call them Goat Peppers.  So I am going to bet there are folk using different types.  Still, would not want to grow them, sell them, and piss off someone who bought them for a religious purpose.
I'm gonna have to wait till next year. I'm running out of room as it is. It would be late to start them now anyway.