Bahamian Goat Pepper

Tried them for the first time last year, and they are quite delicious. SImilar to Scotch Bonnets, but maybe a little closer to a traditional Orange Habanero. Kind of the Chinense Crossroads, haha :D
I'm growing this for the first time this year, I've heard nothing but great things about it, I have about 5-6 ripening up, looking forward to drying a few in the dehydrator and making some powder out of them.
I'm sure they will make amazing powder!I'm sure they will make great sauce, and be great in cooking, I've only had them fresh, and I love them! I got several in a mixed box last week and wow! Them suckers was good! I also got a couple of MoA bonnets in same said box, those are delicious too, but I already knew that ;)
Very nice videos both of you! I don't know how I've missed out on this one, but no longer! As soon as I start germinating several of these will go in ! Definately a first round draft pick fo sho!
Just picked my first two ripe ones today. Unfortunately they were exposed to too much heat and were somewhat dehydrated. No oil to speak of inside, and a very plain taste, I had the same experience with Orange Bhuts today. I hope to get some cooler weather before I loose all my green pods. I'm sure they will taste great once the weather changes. 