food "Baked Beans"...............what a gas


Ingredients: L to R...Garlic, Jalapenos, Hatch Chilis, Onion, Mixed Beans, Spanish Praprika, Salt, Molasses, Pepper, Liquid Smoke, Black Strap Rum, Maple Syrup, Worcestershire Sauce, AP Vinegar, Tomato Puree, Tomato Paste, Smoked Ham Hocks, Thick Cut Bacon, Dark Brown Sugar, Smoked Serrano Peppers, Bay Leaves, Oregano

Pick through dry beans for bad ones or debris. Place beans in a large stock pot cover the beans with water, enough liquid to cover beans by 4". Soak overnight. The next day drain the beans in a colander under running water. Place the beans back into the stockpot add Ham Hocks, Bay Leaves, 2 Tbl of salt and enough water to cover the beans by 2" . Bring water to a boil and reduce heat to a simmer and continue to cook the pot for 1 hr.


Skim the fat and skum from the top of the liquid until it becomes clear. Remove the Hocks and the Bay Leaves and set aside.Add the Tomato Puree, Tomato Paste, 1 qt of water 1 c of AP Vinegar, 2 bags of Dark Brown Sugar, Salt, Pepper,2 Cups of Rum, 2 Tbl of Liquid Smoke, Paprika, and Oregano to a large electrical rooster of large oven cassarole dish. Add beans and Ham Hocks. Bring temperture up to 325.


Meanwhile Fry up the bacon until near crisp. Remove bacon to drain on paper towels. Remove all but 1 tbl of oil from the pan. Cut up peppers, onions and Garlic,Saute in bacon fat until softened. Remove and add to bean mix. Cut bacon into 1/2" pieces and also add to bean mix.


After 3 hrs remove Ham Hocks, strip the meat off and return that to the roaster. Continue to cook for 2 hrs. Turn off heat and add 1 cup of Maple syrup. As the temperature decreases the liquid will thicken.


Heres a plate shot taking at the An Seanachi Bar. Some of the guys spent 7 hrs smoking the rain for the Sunday night bad news "Bears" game I got lucky and made the beans indoors where it stayed dry.....only my glass stayed wet!


Although the football game was un-eventful (sucked), my wife enjoyed the get together with our friends and the fine grub that was served...

i always use fresh chopped ginger when making beans to counter the "you know what's", it works pretty well.
and real canadian maple syrup, can't go wrong with that!
PIC1 that looks like real fun time! And chops to you for being the smart one to stay out of the rain!!!...

Your story telling and pics are great. Ever thought of jumping in on a Throwdown???/


Just gotta throwit out there though....what's up with the 64's??? You do know there are 55's out there ...right???? :lol:
Yea, he's been there, done that....x2! :cool:

out of order edit...will fix it inthe am......
Damm dude! you never disappoint. Those beans look fantastic.
Not much more American than Ribs, Beans ,Beer and Football!
I was rooting for the Bears, and was a little shocked at the whole thing.

At least you had a good food and a good time!


SL, put the Geeme wrap on your wine. You see that Crown under his avatar?
He has already kicked our a** once!
i always use fresh chopped ginger when making beans to counter the "you know what's", it works pretty well.
and real canadian maple syrup, can't go wrong with that!
Thanks BC, I didn't know that, I use ginger often and have also seen that in bean recipes. I would have thought that was just used as a tracking flavor.....time to throw out the "Beano"....................hah

mmm the beans looks Delish
Thanks, they turned out well
PIC1 that looks like real fun time! And chops to you for being the smart one to stay out of the rain!!!...

Your story telling and pics are great. Ever thought of jumping in on a Throwdown???/


Just gotta throwit out there though....what's up with the 64's??? You do know there are 55's out there ...right???? :lol:
Yea, he's been there, done that....x2! :cool:

out of order edit...will fix it inthe am......
Thanks for stopping by Ann,

I thought about bringing the smoker over to the bar, the ribs were on the house and a few guys were already brining their gear over. So when nobody volunteered for the bean thing I decided to throw a pot together......I did catch up on the drinking once we arrived...

I will get back to the TD's eventually. The next one falls on the weekend of my mom's 90th surprise B-Day party...Guests are coming in from out of town. If I decided to jump in on this one it may just be "My Last Meal"'re probably right on the 64's. The bar has alot of new craft beers on tap for the holidays...and thats where I'm usually at. My wife likes here wine, so we decided to comprimise and keep things simple...and keep the "buckets" flowing.

If a giant box shows up there in a day or two, do me a favor and open it right away as I may need some air.
Hahah....good better have some Fatalii's in your pockets......or at least bring a cheesecake.

Great grubb and time Greg. To miller 64 !!!!!!! Keep the tatsy pics coming!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks, its always a good time to get together with the crew, I'm not too fussy when it comes to a cold's never enough!

Damm dude! you never disappoint. Those beans look fantastic.
Not much more American than Ribs, Beans ,Beer and Football!
I was rooting for the Bears, and was a little shocked at the whole thing.

At least you had a good food and a good time!


SL, put the Geeme wrap on your wine. You see that Crown under his avatar?
He has already kicked our a** once!
Yea, I was a bit shocked at that game. The stadium keeps messing with the field every season. They should just leave it alone or put in the fake stuff, and yes the bad Bears showed face once again,They could've used one of those "Throwdowns"...a-a-I mean "Touchdown"

Nice recipe, thanks. Great presentation too!
Thanks SacFly,...Welcome to this site and enjoy your stay...there's pepper info galore through the forums
OMG you make me hungry! If your profile didn’t say electronics I’d think you a master chef, all the pictures and recipes I’ve read of yours are mouth watering :)

While I’ve never made baked beans, I do make a mean black bean from scratch and the occasional refried beans as well, what would we do without pressure cookers to cut down the softening time, lol. Although I’m the type of cook that does everything by eye so there is a variation from time to time and I go off the beaten path occasionally. For example yesterday I made some black beans and for some reason I felt like eating Spanish chorizo so I chopped in a few links into the sofrito along with onions, peppers and all the other veggies I throw in. Tonight I’ll puree a little of the left over and make a black bean dip and increase the heat level with a few extra peppers.
OMG you make me hungry! If your profile didn’t say electronics I’d think you a master chef, all the pictures and recipes I’ve read of yours are mouth watering :)

While I’ve never made baked beans, I do make a mean black bean from scratch and the occasional refried beans as well, what would we do without pressure cookers to cut down the softening time, lol. Although I’m the type of cook that does everything by eye so there is a variation from time to time and I go off the beaten path occasionally. For example yesterday I made some black beans and for some reason I felt like eating Spanish chorizo so I chopped in a few links into the sofrito along with onions, peppers and all the other veggies I throw in. Tonight I’ll puree a little of the left over and make a black bean dip and increase the heat level with a few extra peppers.
I hear ya, the black bean is one of my favorites. The pressure cooker will do the trick. With any dried beans when using a convential stockpot its so vital to complete the first step from the boil to the hard simmer and complete for the full duration. Without that, no matter how long you bake or slow cook'em they'll have a hard time becoming liquid absorbing tender. On another note I'll use the pressure when making a seasonal dish this time of year which I call.." Fall, Apart and Rake It Up Pot Roast"That actually gets served on some homemade ciabatta bread. Heck, a side of those Black Beans with some good Spanish Chorizo diced in would put that dish over the top.....hmmmThanks for checking this out!