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Banana skins for aphids

I spoke to an old guy that grows roses and he reckons hanging banana skins off the branches keeps the aphids away.
I've started to get a few aphids on my plants so I'll be hanging banana skins in the morning.
Has anyobe tried this before?

Never heard of the banana trick but I'll try it. The little buggers are back and breeding quickly. Soap has limited effects but will help smaller infestations. Pyrethrene spray helps too but natural predators are working the best for me.
Did a bit of a search and found this:

Banana skins at the foot of plants will lure aphids away and add a dose of potassium too.

Aphids can also be lured away from your crops by placing a yellow bowl half filled with water amongst your veggies. Aphids, being attracted to yellow, will land on the water and drown. Alternatively, cut some yellow card, smear with petroleum jelly, attach to a stick and plant amongst your veggies.
Im seriously thinking of a war against the ants...little buggers keep carrying the aphids around & tending them. I have a feeling that the ants would just carry the aphids from the banana peel back onto the plant.
Have loads of lady beetles roaming the yard, but the seem to just get fat, then sit there.
I don't know if the aphids would last long (or be in such numbers) if it weren't for the ants.
Luckily I don't have to deal with ants aswell! I'd actually never seen an aphid around my place until a few days ago. I put banana skins around my plants today, but the sun turned them crispy within a few hours, so there goes that idea. I did however see a ladybird today, so I'm hoping a few more of them find there way to my plants.
When I bring plants outside from the greenhouse on nice days, I usually always get ladybugs on them, but they don't seem to go in the greenhouse by themselves. Thankfully ants aren't a problem here yet
Either the banana skins are working or the aphids are on holiday. I just need to eat more bananas because the skins dry out so quick!