
I've only had a couple Barrakpores. I enjoyed them both. There was nothing off putting about the flavor to me at all.

The heat profile was right there with any red 7 pot. I didn't notice them being any hotter, or any less hot. There's a variation overall, but they were both right in there. On the higher side of the average, but no hotter than the hottest 7 I've had.
I'm beginning to wonder if there isn't multiple types going around as the barrackpore (like perhaps, some of the ones going around aren't quite pure?), I can tell you out-right the one I got from Romy6 stood toe to toe with my Butch T's, but the thing tasted like I was eating tin-foil. It was FAR hotter than the red brains he sent me!

I just don't see there being THIS much variation on taste. I actually wrote out a review on my experience cooking with the barrackpore, and seriously that pod made us have to stay off the main floor while my soup was cooking from the fumes it released.
I'm beginning to wonder if there isn't multiple types going around as the barrackpore (like perhaps, some of the ones going around aren't quite pure?),

I think that is the case with almost every variety out there. There are also varieties being called several different names. It's confusing, but it is what it is. All we can do is encourage people to stop changing the names every time seeds change hands.
Love the plant! As hot as any fresh pod I have eaten. Hits harder and faster than a Brain...tastes like dish soap to me. I have eaten a couple of Jamie's pods and few of mine as well. Mine grew massive! Raw taste aside, lightly smoked, dried and powdered its fantastic and :hot: !

For your amusement here is a link to the vid of me eating the larger one of the two Jamie sent me as I tried to film a tour of last years pepper garden...

The only one that I ate as hot last year was an Infinity from Dave (gnslngr) but it was no worse...

I will grow this one every season in spite of the poor (to me) fresh taste.
^^Nice looking plant, I took a stab at growing one in 2013 along with every other named species it seems. No restraint. :) Smoking and powders are right up my alley!
Thanks brah! I was looking for this pic to show how big they can get and finally found it...

These pods were freaking crazy! About the size of an average lemon! Didn't take many of these to fill a freezer bag.
+1 on the dried and powdered.
I couldn't really chop a fresh one fine enough to be enjoyable (flavor wise).

On my list and in the sprouter already for this year (as well as Jonah, Douglah, BS, Yellow and White) and anticipating smoked powder for fall.
My supply of Barrakpore powder is running low, but fortunately, a very little goes a long way.
Wow! I just watched the video of STC eating that barrackpore and it stirred up bad memories . I had my wife watching it with me and we were both saying "that guy is tough as hell", waaaay tougher than Chuck Norris. Then the hiccups came, lol. We both were like "yeah that's what we ate". Excellent video and nice plants sir.

So my barrackpores that are in the greenhouse have just a crazy number of buds per node. I don't notice this in STC's photos, so I am just wondering if it is just an effect of being in the greenhouse.

Untitled by, on Flickr
Yeah...maybe so. I had some nodes with 3, but nothing crazy like that. My Yellow Cardi Scorps and Devil's tongue were the only ones with nodes like that last year. Crazy! Might have something to do with the relatively low leaf count on your plant too. I read that defoliating can boost pod #s but will probably trade for pod size. That is AMAZING though. Lotta potential pain there!

Wow! I just watched the video of STC eating that barrackpore and it stirred up bad memories . I had my wife watching it with me and we were both saying "that guy is tough as hell", waaaay tougher than Chuck Norris. Then the hiccups came, lol. We both were like "yeah that's what we ate". Excellent video and nice plants sir.

Thanks Mark! I can get the hiccups eating Jalapenos. Just the way I am??? Doesn't keep me from eating them though!!!
The lack of leaves is partially due to thrip damage. I pulled the deformed leaves off the top of the plant. Pulling the leaves off might have caused it. The other varieties had to lose some leaves too but they didn't put out these crazy 5 and 6 flower nodes.
I started soaking this years grow list and made sure the Barrackpore seeds went into a soaking cup, I don't know how old the seeds were so I will be babying them till I know they are sprouted. The plants look pretty strong and from the amount of pods they look like they throw out plenty of them. Now all i have to worry about is, how well my digestive system will like or not like them.
Thats interesting, i ate a half of pod this summer and it nearly killed my stomach. I was very surprised by that!

Were you overcome with pain and swallowed quickly in shock? My (probably BS) theory is: you need to prepare your stomach for what's coming, if you're swallowing too quickly it'll cramp or something.
Prepping the stomach may help to prevent GI distress to a point, but if capsaisin is an adaptive response to help the pepper survive via preventing critters from eating seeds (when environmental stressors are greater, the capsaisen production increases in response to the stressor), then some peppers may just be at the point of being unfit for human consumption. If a pepper tastes foul and is unusually discomforting when we ingest it, it may not be very edible. Good for bragging rights, possibly, but not so good to eat.