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Basic Datil Sauce

Substitute Flavorful Supers. If it tastes soapy or like battery acid it's not going to work.
Authentic Datil Sauce
At least 10 Peppers. Leave seeds.
Dash of Oil
1/2 Yellow Onion
2 Cups Brown Sugar
4 Cups Ketchup
1/2 Cup Apple Cider Vinegar
3 TBSP. Honey
4 TBSP. Yellow Mustard
Couple hits of Worchestershire Sauce
I like to throw in some Datil Dust for an extra boost of concentrated flavor and texture. Completely Optional.
There are of course a couple ingredients I left out. As some of you may know exact Datil recipes are a trade or family secret here in St. Augustine. But this will be all you need trust me.
It may seem like somewhat of a process, and that's because that is exactly what it is. A dance with the peppers and other ingredients in the kitchen, with timing and rhythm.
-In a food processor pulse up the onions just enough so there wont be big chunks in the sauce. This is also to help them cook down. I usually actually puree them.
-I do the same with the peppers but do them separately because I put them in a little bit after the onions have started. You can do them both at the same time, but depending on thickness, etc. you may burn the peppers.
-Over medium heat toss in the onions in a pot or pan with just enough oil to cook down and soften, you are not typically wanting to brown them, but if that is the flavor you are going for go right on ahead. Go as light as you can on the oil. You only want enough for the onions and peppers to "soak up".
- Now that they are soft throw those peppers in. You want to release some of the oils and flavor and soften them up, but also remember we are not sauteing them, just softening up for a smooth sauce in the end.
-Everything should be hot and bubbling up a bit so put the vinegar in. You want the heat of the pan to be enough for it to give you a nice hiss and cloud of vapor.
-It is time to add the brown sugar. Add it in and stir. I caramelize just a bit for a more complex flavor. This will darken the sauce so if you don't want to caramelize, you don't have to. Just continue on quickly to the next step.
-Add the honey and stir. it will blend right in.
-You are now on your way to making a Datil sauce. The ketchup. A necessary ingredient and really your base for any Datil sauce. I guess you could use tomato sauce, but to me that don't even sound right. Put it in and stir.
-At this point put a couple dashes of Worchestershire and stir.
-Stir in your yellow mustard. For a more tangy sauce (which I like), put some more in than I suggested.
This is your basic Datil sauce recipe. Good luck finding a better one on the internet. They are just not there. I mean non-existent, there is just no info on this sauce at all.
It seems we really are very secretive about it.
Definitely try it. You will not be disappointed, and there is really a lot of flavor. I know you will like it.
Hey Pepper Daddler
Thanks for this.  I made it yesterday and it is great.
This filled three bottles which originally contained Stubb's BBQ sauce ( I think they're 18 ounce bottles).
Thank you v for sharing your recipe. I have a datil recipe I have tinkered with several times, based on the ingredients listed on the bottle of one of my favorites, and while I liked it, I've never been totally satisfied with the result.
Sadly, I'm not growing any datils this year, they just don't seem to produce very well around here, but I have some smoked datil flakes and some dust that I'll be using to make a batch using your recipe very soon.
Much appreciated !!
I have two datils in the ground just starting to flower.  Can't wait to make this recipe!  Much obliged :)
PepperDaddler said:
Substitute Flavorful Supers. If it tastes soapy or like battery acid it's not going to work.
Authentic Datil Sauce
At least 10 Peppers. Leave seeds.
Dash of Oil
1/2 Yellow Onion
2 Cups Brown Sugar
4 Cups Ketchup
1/2 Cup Apple Cider Vinegar
3 TBSP. Honey
4 TBSP. Yellow Mustard
Couple hits of Worchestershire Sauce
I like to throw in some Datil Dust for an extra boost of concentrated flavor and texture. Completely Optional.
There are of course a couple ingredients I left out. As some of you may know exact Datil recipes are a trade or family secret here in St. Augustine. But this will be all you need trust me.
It may seem like somewhat of a process, and that's because that is exactly what it is. A dance with the peppers and other ingredients in the kitchen, with timing and rhythm.
-In a food processor pulse up the onions just enough so there wont be big chunks in the sauce. This is also to help them cook down. I usually actually puree them.
-I do the same with the peppers but do them separately because I put them in a little bit after the onions have started. You can do them both at the same time, but depending on thickness, etc. you may burn the peppers.
-Over medium heat toss in the onions in a pot or pan with just enough oil to cook down and soften, you are not typically wanting to brown them, but if that is the flavor you are going for go right on ahead. Go as light as you can on the oil. You only want enough for the onions and peppers to "soak up".
- Now that they are soft throw those peppers in. You want to release some of the oils and flavor and soften them up, but also remember we are not sauteing them, just softening up for a smooth sauce in the end.
-Everything should be hot and bubbling up a bit so put the vinegar in. You want the heat of the pan to be enough for it to give you a nice hiss and cloud of vapor.
-It is time to add the brown sugar. Add it in and stir. I caramelize just a bit for a more complex flavor. This will darken the sauce so if you don't want to caramelize, you don't have to. Just continue on quickly to the next step.
-Add the honey and stir. it will blend right in.
-You are now on your way to making a Datil sauce. The ketchup. A necessary ingredient and really your base for any Datil sauce. I guess you could use tomato sauce, but to me that don't even sound right. Put it in and stir.
-At this point put a couple dashes of Worchestershire and stir.
-Stir in your yellow mustard. For a more tangy sauce (which I like), put some more in than I suggested.
This is your basic Datil sauce recipe. Good luck finding a better one on the internet. They are just not there. I mean non-existent, there is just no info on this sauce at all.
It seems we really are very secretive about it.
Definitely try it. You will not be disappointed, and there is really a lot of flavor. I know you will like it.
I just received my Datil seeds from Minorcan. I will be growing them next year and trying out this recipe. Thanks !
I too want to try this recipe this year, some datil sauces are some of the best I've ever had.
I wonder what daddler is up too? Haven't seen him post in a while..