seeds basic indoor lighting for seed prop - advice please

Hi All,
I have tried to get a really early start with my seeds this year - late June in fact, which is not even half way through winter here in Australia.
Most of my 40 or so seeds germinated, but to account for the cold temperature (day and night), I left them inside my heated propagator thinking all would be well until the sun starts to come out a fair bit more in a couple of months time (which is now, but we are only achieving temps of 15 deg C or thereabouts).
As you might guess, they got a fair bit long and leggy, but I have been doing my utmost to maximise their time outside in full sun to grow as quick as possible and beef up a bit (because I have lost about one per week due to going spindly and falling over - but not a mould or fungus problem though).
The problem is that they just aren't growing anywhere near as quick as normal - it's taken some 6 weeks for even the smallest of first true sets of leaves.
So, thinking I might try and provide more light, I dropped into a local hydro store today who have something pretty much ideal for me.
It's a simple two fluro tube setup on a stand, designed to exactly cover a styrofoam box (that is normally used for fruit transport, etc) which is the same as I already have (about 55cm long and 33cm wide).
The two tubes are only 18W each - one is a gro-light, and one is 'cool blue' (6500K colour temp?), however I can put pretty much anything I want in.
This setup is not for heating, just lighting, and I want to use it so my seedlings come up with 3 or maybe 4 sets of true leaves (and a much more developed root system) before putting them back outside (that way I can avoid the cold winds).
Is a total of 36W really going to do much for me, and if so, should I be using two gro-lights or go with what is already in it ?
The distance bewteen the lights and the seedlings can be as much as 60cm, down to about 30cm (approximately of course).
If I use lights, should I also be using a heat pad ?
The hydro store also sells a moulded plastic cover (with adjustable heat vents) that fits directly over the top of the box - is that sort of thing a good idea as well do you think? (I would imagine it wouldn't be needed once seeds have actually germinated)
The light setup is $110 and the moulded cover $25. Not too bad I think upon first impressions, but if it noticebly helps, it would be worth every penny I am sure.
Thought / opinions / comments ?
you can buy much cheaper/more powerful flouro fixture from a hardware store (atleast in the us you can)
this one is much bigger  than your box. 
this one is close.
but as you can see its only a few dollars more to get the bigger one..
anyways 50$ cheaper, no stand though. People usually just mount them to a shelf or have chains. or make a simple stand out of pvc for like 10$.
cool white 4k-5k, or full spectrum 6k is good. supposedly full spectrum is better but cool white works just fine and is usually cheaper.
weak plants
you need a fan pointing on them to simulate wind/airflow so they grow strong. Getting a lid may further prevent this... idk
You can get even cheaper fluorescent fixtures than that. They're called Shop lights and come with the wall plug and cord. About $10 to $15 in the hardware stores. They use the T8 or T12 bulbs, and as above, the Cool Whites are just fine.
Also you will need to keep the lights about 1 inch above the plant tops... thus the reason most hang them with chains. Makes for easy adjustments. I would go ahead and get extra chain since the fixtures don't come with much to start with.
Here's an example...
Pick up a cheap plug-in timer while you're at it. This one accepts the 3 prong plug like the light has...
I am in a similar situation as I am in OZ also. I too got an early start with my grow and did the indoor windowsill routine. I then tried two 1400lm/24w CFL globes in desk lamps pointed at my seedlings in a mylar lined box. Big improvement! So I added two more CFL's in desk lamps. More improvement. I have been gathering materials for a big grow box which will have two levels and two of these:

I'll also be adding two powered cabinet fans possibly connected to a temperature controller.

Two of my Cayenne:

I would like to say a massive thank you to those who replied.
Given your combined advice, I have been down to my local hardware place and picked up two clip on desk lamps, two philips cool white (6500K) 24W CFL bulbs, and a simple timer. (The shop light system needed some sparky work even to put the cord in, and while I could do that, the option I picked was cheaper again).
The two lamps clip to the side of my styrofoam box with the seedlings in the bottom, and I have it set for 6am - 7pm (13 hours).
I also have a thermometer in there showing about 22 deg C at the base (but it will be one or two more at the height of the actual cotelydons).
In the box I have a combination of my long leggy seedlings (sowed late June), another batch from the second half of July (only half as leggy), and some that are just now coming up as hooks from an early August sowing.
It will be interesting to see how the different types respond .... I only hope those that are starting to fall over on themselves pick up a bit, but if not, s*hit happens I guess and it will have served as an interestin exercise in what not to do  :banghead:
Just have to make sure things don't burn, but the closest point of the globes is about 4 or inches to the cotelydons.
Thanks again :cheers:
I have two different brands of CFL's Phillips and Sylvania. Both are around 1400lm. I have found that the Phillips are cooler to the touch than the Sylvania.

I have my timer set for 16 hours on 8 off which seems to be working ok. I also lined my box with an emergency (mylar) blanket to reflect light. Used double sided tape for this.

My current setup:
(To be replaced with my grow box)

Good luck and post your results.
Well, apart from my older leggy seedlings, I've put some jiffy pellets into the light box with anywhere from 1 to 3 "hooks" each (including the Yaki Blue - wow are they different).
I lined the box with aluminium foil and I'm keeping a close eye on the temperatures.
The questions is though, with a combined 48W from 2 CFL bulbs, what distance is reasonable between top of the seedlings and the base if the bulbs ?
teejay said:
I would like to say a massive thank you to those who replied.
Given your combined advice, I have been down to my local hardware place and picked up two clip on desk lamps, two philips cool white (6500K) 24W CFL bulbs, and a simple timer. (The shop light system needed some sparky work even to put the cord in, and while I could do that, the option I picked was cheaper again).
The two lamps clip to the side of my styrofoam box with the seedlings in the bottom, and I have it set for 6am - 7pm (13 hours).
I also have a thermometer in there showing about 22 deg C at the base (but it will be one or two more at the height of the actual cotelydons).
In the box I have a combination of my long leggy seedlings (sowed late June), another batch from the second half of July (only half as leggy), and some that are just now coming up as hooks from an early August sowing.
It will be interesting to see how the different types respond .... I only hope those that are starting to fall over on themselves pick up a bit, but if not, s*hit happens I guess and it will have served as an interestin exercise in what not to do  :banghead:
Just have to make sure things don't burn, but the closest point of the globes is about 4 or inches to the cotelydons.
Thanks again :cheers:
Teejay, I would really like to see a pic of your set up; it sounds like something I would like to try.
Okey dokey - here's a piccy:
In that short time it has been running, what differences have I noticed?
Well, seems like the stems thicken a little more quickly than I am used to, and they are covered in more fine hairs.
And yes, there are some small African violets in there too.
Total cost exc styrofoam box = 27AUD. What a deal !!
Looks very familiar for some reason ;).

Don't worry about the sun tanned leaves they're perfectly fine. Just the plants way of natural sunscreen. They won't turn green again but are no different besides the color.

Yep, I'm busted ! :whistle:
Credit for the idea goes to Shorerider and I simply followed his setup, almost to the T but I didn't have a styrofoam box big enough damn it.
Thanks for the reassurance on the leaves - was a tad worried there.
As they say "Impersonation is the best form of flattery".

Looks like you used foil for the liner. I actually used an emergency blanket from an old first aid kit. Much more reflective than the foil.

Also, I have set the timer for my lights to be on at night as this is the coldest part of the day.

Your plants look happy, good work.
